ideas-lab-nus / epwshiftr

Create future EnergyPlus Weather files using CMIP6 data
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Error using summary_database() #81

Open San42 opened 4 months ago

San42 commented 4 months ago

Error using summary_database() Hi, I am trying to use the tool and receiving this warning message while using the summary_database() . I have copied the file in the same directory as the cmip6_index.csv. However, I am getting the following warning message.

In addition: Warning message:
Case(s) shown below does not matche any NetCDF file in the database. Please make sure all needed NetCDF files listed in the file index have been downloaded and placed in the database.
#1 | For case '':

#2 | For case '':

#3 | For case '':

This leads to the following error in the subsequent steps:

coord$coord[, .(file_path, coord)]
Empty data.table (0 rows and 2 cols): file_path,coord
> str(coord$coord$coord[[1]])
Error in coord$coord$coord[[1]] : subscript out of bounds

The name of a sample .nc file :


hongyuanjia commented 4 months ago

This error indicated that those files listed in cmip6_index.csv were not found in the getOption("epwshiftr.dir"). Please check if this is the case. If not, this should be an epwshiftr bug.