ideasman42 / nerd-dictation

Simple, hackable offline speech to text - using the VOSK-API.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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punctuation help #48

Open landemou opened 2 years ago

landemou commented 2 years ago

First of all thank you for this very useful project. I need to incorporate punctuation into dictation (in french). Replace single and multiple words works very well. But I encounter a difficulty with the need to be able to make a point and then return to the line. I am beginner in python ...

The best I've managed to do looks like this : if text == "point à la ligne": text = "." run_xdotool("key", ["Return"])

And by the way make sure that there is no space before the point. I searched for a while but here I am stuck, thanks in advance.

CB9001 commented 2 years ago

Hi landemou,

I just started using nerd-dictation myself. I created a substitution based config (within ~/.config/nerd-dictation/ for punctuation etc. that does some stuff similar to what I think you're trying to do. Is it likely the most elegant approach? No, but it works well enough for me :)

# A list of substitutions to make within the dictated text
substitutions = [('period', '.'),
                ('comma', ','),
                ('new line', '\r'),
                ('dash', '-'),
                ('back slash', '\\'),
                ('forward slash', '/'),
                ('question mark', '?'),
                ('exclamation mark', '!'),
                ('ampersand', '&'),
                ('asterisk', '*')

def nerd_dictation_process(text):
    # Substitute in alternate text for any entries within substitutions list
    for substitution in substitutions:
        text = text.replace(' ' + substitution[0], substitution[1])
        text = text.replace(substitution[0], substitution[1])

    # Fix any new lines with a trailing space
    text = text.replace('\r ', '\r')

    return text

I do each replacement twice, first with a space beforehand, then without a space before. This should cover both normal punctuation inserted after the start of a sentence, removing the space in between the text and punctuation mark, and cases where you want punctuation at the start of your dictation. Note I also have a 'new line' entry, that inserts the carriage return character. I also replace '\r ' with '\r' to remove the space that would otherwise be added to the start of a new line.

Of course, depending on your use case, you may need to have your code actually simulate pressing the enter key, instead of just inserting a '\r', but hope this at least gives some inspiration :)

landemou commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot for your help CB9001 Great job !

CB9001 commented 2 years ago

Worth noting there is also a more in-depth example with punctuation and some other substitutions @

ideasman42 commented 2 years ago

Is there any reason to keep this issue open?

Lume6 commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for your help CB9001 Great job !

Hi Landemou,

I'm French too. Could you tell me if you succeed by using the punctuation ? For instance, ! ? ; : which are not recognized . For example : Il fait froid. d'interrogation. Il fait froid.s de suspension, etc.

In the file :

`# Add Punctuation CLOSING_PUNCTUATION = {

 "point": ".",
"virgule": ",", 
"point d'interrogation": "?",
"fermer les guillemets": '"',
"point d'exclamation": "!",
"points de suspension": "...",
"point virgule": ";",

Don't don't hesitate to write me if you think it's easier.

Thanks. `

landemou commented 1 year ago

Hi Lume6,

I'm currently on other projects but I'm keeping an eye on this one. I advise you to look at this example (nerd-dictation/examples/default/ Your multi-word commands are visibly interpreted from the first word.

For what does not work with your code you can try : TEXT_REPLACE_REGEX = ( ("\\b" "point d'interrogation" "\\b", "?"), ("\\b" "point d'exclamation" "\\b", "!"), )

If you manage to do (point à la ligne et saut de ligne) i'm interested ! You can contact me :

Good luck 👍

farvardin commented 6 months ago

If you manage to do (point à la ligne et saut de ligne) i'm interested !


it looks like WORD_REPLACE parts in ~/.config/nerd-dictation/ is not working very accurately. Their

"linux": "Linux", is working, but not further words I've added.

Anyway, to do a point à la ligne, I've included it into CLOSING_PUNCTUATION:

    "trois petits points": "… ",
    "deux points": " : ",
    "point de suspension": "… ",
    "point d'interrogation": " ? ",
    "point d'exclamation": " ! ",
    "point": ". ",
    "virgule": ", ",
    "fermez les guillemets": ' » ',
    "retour à la ligne": "\r",

I've tried with \n and it didn't work, but \r does