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Cannot create a new prefix #188

Closed marcadella closed 1 year ago

marcadella commented 2 years ago

I get the following error while trying to create a new prefix:

{"timestamp":"2022-01-28T08:47:32.860+0000","status":400,"error":"Bad Request","message":"JSON parse error: Cannot deserialize instance of `java.lang.String[]` out of VALUE_STRING token; nested exception is com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot deserialize instance of `java.lang.String[]` out of VALUE_STRING token\n at [Source: (PushbackInputStream); line: 1, column: 308] (through reference chain:[\"payload\"]->[\"supportingReferences\"])","path":"/prefixRegistrationApi/registerPrefix"}

The payload was:

"description":"Salmon specific database of genome sequenced prokaryotes representing the microbiota of fishes found in the taxonomic family of Salmonidae.",
"institutionName":"UiT The Arctic University of Norway",
"institutionDescription":"Center for Bioinformatics (SfB) at UiT The Arctic university of Norway.",
"providerName":"UiT The Arctic University of Norway",
"providerDescription":"Center for Bioinformatics (SfB) at UiT The Arctic university of Norway.",
"requesterName":"Mayeul Marcadella",
"name":"Mayeul Marcadella",
cthoyt commented 2 years ago

@marcadella while you're waiting for a response from team, you can make a request in the Bioregistry ( issue tracker. Our project has a more open model and will be able to respond faster

renatocjn commented 1 year ago

Dear @marcadella, have you tried submitting your request via our website? or do you need to do it through an API? Best regards.

renatocjn commented 1 year ago

Hello @marcadella,

It seems the problem is that the endpoint expects the supporting references to be an array. The following should work.

  "apiVersion": "1.0",
  "payload": {
    "name": "SalDB",
    "description": "Salmon specific database of genome sequenced prokaryotes representing the microbiota of fishes found in the taxonomic family of Salmonidae.",
    "requestedPrefix": "mmp.saldb",
    "sampleId": "MMP859855",
    "idRegexPattern": "^MMP\\d+$",
    "supportingReferences": [],
    "additionalInformation": "",
    "institutionName": "UiT The Arctic University of Norway",
    "institutionDescription": "Center for Bioinformatics (SfB) at UiT The Arctic university of Norway.",
    "institutionHomeUrl": "",
    "institutionLocation": "NO",
    "providerName": "UiT The Arctic University of Norway",
    "providerDescription": "Center for Bioinformatics (SfB) at UiT The Arctic university of Norway.",
    "providerCode": "mmp",
    "providerHomeUrl": "",
    "providerUrlPattern": "{$id}",
    "providerLocation": "NO",
    "requesterName": "Mayeul Marcadella",
    "requesterEmail": "",
    "requester": {
      "name": "Mayeul Marcadella",
      "email": ""
    "institutionRorId": ""

See the payload definition.

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