ideonate / cdsdashboards

JupyterHub extension for ContainDS Dashboards
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How to make the dashboard work with jupyterlab collaborative flag #101

Open yuhuishi-convect opened 2 years ago

yuhuishi-convect commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

When deployed with jupyterhub, if I put the following line in jupyterhub config to enable the latest collaboration feature of jupyterlab

c.KubeSpawner.args = ['--collaborative']

This will append additional arg when starting the single user server.

However, CDSdashbaord will also pick up the additional arg. When the default_presentation_cmd is set as

c.VariableMixin.default_presentation_cmd = ['python3', '-m', 'jhsingle_native_proxy.main']

The command will become

python3 -m jhsingle_native_proxy.main --collabrative

However, since --collabrative is not compatible with the presentation command, the single user server will fail to start

To Reproduce

In put

c.KubeSpawner.args = ['--collaborative']
c.VariableMixin.default_presentation_cmd = ['python3', '-m', 'jhsingle_native_proxy.main']

Then start a dashboard



Zero to JupyterHub on AWS EKS

xeliba commented 2 years ago

There is another way to turn on "collaborative" mode. In the docker image for your user servers you need to create a file /etc/jupyter/ Add the line: c.LabApp.collaborative = True