ideonate / cdsdashboards

JupyterHub extension for ContainDS Dashboards
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pythonic example for User-info API #102

Open kla240 opened 2 years ago

kla240 commented 2 years ago

Hi Ideonate team, This is a great product! I'm really enjoying it... but to make it even easier for streamlit users who don't want to be web-developers, could you please add a complete (python) example of how to use the user info api described at

with streamlit, cdsdashboard, tornado, and a reverse-proxy on K8s, I'm really struggling to actually get the client user info... and I don't see how to embed the JS code in python as the example is for Voila with ipywidgets.

Many thanks!

kla240 commented 2 years ago

I want to update that there is a bug here because the server-side is using hubauth instead of hubOAuth, and so the request is using the app api token instead of browser cookie info.