ideonate / cdsdashboards

JupyterHub extension for ContainDS Dashboards
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The connection has timed out #84

Open statiksof opened 2 years ago

statiksof commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug

During the first seconds/minutes when building the dashboard, it returns The connection has timed out in the browser. When I try again after some time it works which means that building continued in the background.

I have tried all the options mentioned here but no success.

Do you know how to avoid that and show the progress instead?

This issue concerns all presentation types.

To Reproduce

  1. create/edit dashboard
  2. save
  3. Enter options for resources (memory, cpus)
  4. save
danlester commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your comment. If you're still working on this, I think the crucial thing is to understand what type of JupyterHub installation you are using. In particular, what Spawner are you using, e.g. KubeSpawner?

danlester commented 2 years ago

Oh, from your other messages I think you are using SlurmSpawner or similar. Do you see any similar problems when starting a regular JupyterLab named server?

statiksof commented 2 years ago

@danlester I though I already answered. All other sessions work fine, there is no timeout only when dashboards.

statiksof commented 2 years ago

I think this is streamlit issue, see here. Applying the patch avoided a time out .