ideonate / cdsdashboards

JupyterHub extension for ContainDS Dashboards
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support jupyterhub 2.0 #96

Open raybellwaves opened 2 years ago

raybellwaves commented 2 years ago

I don't believe there's an issue open to add support for jupyterhub > 2

I believe cdsdashboards is currently pinned at <2 (

danlester commented 2 years ago

The most important thing in JupyterHub 2.0 is actually just configuration of the Hub itself, but it would certainly make sense for us to have some docs to explain best practices.

It sounds like you need to set a role on the default group, and also make sure all users are added to that default group. Some discussion here but I haven't had a chance to look into it myself.

Docs PRs are welcome for this!

gsemet commented 1 year ago

hello. What is really missing to have your project working with jhub >= 2?

danlester commented 1 year ago

I think the main thing is to adapt to the RBAC roles introduced in JupyterHub 2.0.

Dashboards won't be accessible by anyone without doing something to open access to them via this new system... There are some ideas floating around above for opening up access to the dashboards, but another issue is doing this while also ensuring only the correct users are able to access their regular JupyterLab servers.

In general, I don't feel the JupyterHub team supports the idea of extending JupyterHub in the way that cdsdashboards does so. See here where we have asked about extensions:

They suggest that they would be more supportive if we got cdsdashboards out from the internals of JupyterHub into something more standalone that could access the JupyterHub API instead.

I don't have any funding to attempt something like that at this point!

JohnCHarrington commented 1 year ago

@danlester Any chance the recent RBAC changes in JupyterHub 3.0 will make this easier?

danlester commented 1 year ago

It sounds like they have identified some of the logical difficulties, but I think the solutions still lie in the same places - in the JupyterHub config which will be specific to each site. Thanks for sending the link.

Debilski commented 10 months ago

Maybe worth noting that current versions of Kubernetes (I think >= 1.25) will have problems running the ZTJH images for JupyterHub versions <2.0, at least when using the official Helm repo. (I managed with some ad-hoc upgrades to the kube-scheduler image.)