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Primitive and Non-primitive data-types in JavaScript #125

Open idev0085 opened 1 year ago

idev0085 commented 1 year ago

Data Types: Every Variable has a data type that tells what kind of data is being stored in a variable. There are two types of data types in JavaScript namely Primitive data types and Non-primitive data types.

Primitive data types: The predefined data types provided by JavaScript language are known as primitive data types. Primitive data types are also known as in-built data types.

Non-primitive data types: The data types that are derived from primitive data types of the JavaScript language are known as non-primitive data types. It is also known as derived data types or reference data types.

In Javascript, there are five basic, or primitive, types of data. The five most basic types of data are strings, numbers, booleans, undefined, and null. We refer to these as primitive data types. A single variable can only store a single type of data.