idiap / pkwrap

A pytorch wrapper for LF-MMI training and parallel training in Kaldi
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undefined symbol: _Z19ReadTransitionModelRN5kaldi15TransitionModelESsb #16

Closed kakashidan closed 2 years ago

kakashidan commented 2 years ago

Hi the process of installation seems ok. But I encountered some errors when import pkwrap.

error message: miniconda3/envs/pkwarp/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pkwrap- undefined symbol: _Z19ReadTransitionModelRN5kaldi15TransitionModelESsb


I checked kaldi with version 6f329a62 and compiled with above options with gcc 5.4.

Could you figure out the problem?

mrsrikanth commented 2 years ago

I have fixed this issue (that creeped in due to a bad merge from my side). I have fixed it now in the master. In addition, note that I have now added requirements.txt file, since soundfile is now a requirement. Make sure that you also have those packages installed as well.

Let me know if the issue persists. Thanks.

mrsrikanth commented 2 years ago

Also note that using 6f329a62 is no longer a requirement. The latest versions of Kaldi should work without issues. Otherwise, do let me know.

kakashidan commented 2 years ago

Thanks. this issue was solved after pulling the latest version of pkwrap.