idiap / pkwrap

A pytorch wrapper for LF-MMI training and parallel training in Kaldi
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Self-supervised pretrained model #7

Closed kingsword5566 closed 3 years ago

kingsword5566 commented 3 years ago

Hi I'm very interested in your new work 'LATTICE-FREE MMI ADAPTATION OF SELF-SUPERVISED PRETRAINED ACOUSTIC MODELS" When would you open the source code? Or some develop branch can access?

apoorv2904 commented 3 years ago


Thank you for your interest in our work. We will start by open-sourcing the librispeech (100h) setup. Others will follow later. Following is the rough plan:

  1. We will first provide pre-trained models and pkwrap recipe for the adaptation. This will be released in the next 2-3 weeks.
  2. The pre-training code is adapted from the MockingJay codebase and would be a separate repo.
kingsword5566 commented 3 years ago

Awesome! Actually I also trained a transformer pre-trained model called TERA (same authors w/ MockingJay). Any plan to adapt to another e2e structure (eg. RNN-T/transformer)? Can't wait!

apoorv2904 commented 3 years ago

For the moment, we will release flat-start lfmmi training code. In the future, we plan to explore Transducers as well (most likely Transformer-Transducers)

kingsword5566 commented 3 years ago

Hi Any progress? Hope that everything goes well!! BTW, I found that there maybe some typo in your 2020 paper.

3.2.1. Librispeech (100 hours) ...Table 1. For decoding, we use the model that achieves lowest WER on the dev-clean set...

According to your pkwrap paper. I think the results of Table 1 are WER on the test-clean?

apoorv2904 commented 3 years ago


Thank you for pointing it out. We meant we use the dev-clean (development) set to select the best model for decoding the test dataset. The results in Table 1 are on the test-clean and test-other portion.

We have now cleaned up the code and requested open-sourcing. There are some formalities which hopefully should be done in another week.

Thank you for waiting.

Best, Apoorv

apoorv2904 commented 3 years ago


The scripts to reproduce the Librispeech (100h) experiment are now available. We have the experiment setup as a new repository to support future experiments as well as its own dependencies. Following is the link:

I will close the issue. Feel free to open a new issue on the other repository.

Thanks, Apoorv