idiom / stackstack

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Minor changes in scanning logic, new x64 patterns #10

Closed a0rtega closed 2 years ago

a0rtega commented 2 years ago

Hey @idiom !

68f5ccc7a37b00e72d32941a51c513e580f2a9e7 Changes the scanning logic so that matches are iterated in the same order always. It also adds a change in scan_function to avoid skipping matches at the beginning of functions.

a48f84d2c6fbec12d0cf60b5f2eefb25bcb8343b Adds new patterns to the default x64 YARA rules. See some disassembly snippet examples that the new patterns will match on:


.text:000000014008E38C C7 85 C0 00 00 00 4D 00 00 00                                   mov     [rbp+270h+var_1B0], 4Dh ; 'M' ; Decoded: %s CreateFileA error
.text:000000014008E396 33 C0                                                           xor     eax, eax
.text:000000014008E398 C6 85 C4 00 00 00 68                                            mov     [rbp+270h+var_1AC], 68h ; 'h'
.text:000000014008E39F 48 8B D3                                                        mov     rdx, rbx
.text:000000014008E3A2 C6 85 C5 00 00 00 3E                                            mov     [rbp+270h+var_1AB], 3Eh ; '>'
.text:000000014008E3A9 C6 85 C6 00 00 00 6D                                            mov     [rbp+270h+var_1AA], 6Dh ; 'm'
.text:000000014008E3B0 C6 85 C7 00 00 00 0E                                            mov     [rbp+270h+var_1A9], 0Eh


.text:000000014008D89E C7 45 A8 7D 00 00 00                                            mov     [rbp+270h+var_2C8], 7Dh ; '}' ; Decoded: MapViewOfFie
.text:000000014008D8A5 41 B5 65                                                        mov     r13b, 65h ; 'e'
.text:000000014008D8A8 8B 45 A8                                                        mov     eax, [rbp+270h+var_2C8]
.text:000000014008D8AB 48 8B D3                                                        mov     rdx, rbx
.text:000000014008D8AE 34 4D                                                           xor     al, 4Dh
.text:000000014008D8B0 88 45 AC                                                        mov     [rbp+270h+var_2C4], al
.text:000000014008D8B3 8B 45 A8                                                        mov     eax, [rbp+270h+var_2C8]
.text:000000014008D8B6 FE C0                                                           inc     al
.text:000000014008D8B8 34 61                                                           xor     al, 61h
.text:000000014008D8BA 88 45 AD                                                        mov     [rbp+270h+var_2C3], al


.text:0000000140084CA8 C6 85 88 00 00 00 5F                                            mov     [rbp+4F0h+var_468], 5Fh ; '_' ; Decoded: SELECT SerialNumber FROM CIM_PhysicalFrame
.text:0000000140084CAF C6 85 89 00 00 00 51                                            mov     [rbp+4F0h+var_467], 51h ; 'Q'
.text:0000000140084CB6 C6 85 8A 00 00 00 58                                            mov     [rbp+4F0h+var_466], 58h ; 'X'
.text:0000000140084CBD C6 85 8B 00 00 00 51                                            mov     [rbp+4F0h+var_465], 51h ; 'Q'
.text:0000000140084CC4 C6 85 8C 00 00 00 4F                                            mov     [rbp+4F0h+var_464], 4Fh ; 'O'
.text:0000000140084CCB C6 85 8D 00 00 00 60                                            mov     [rbp+4F0h+var_463], 60h ; '`'
.text:0000000140084CD2 C6 85 8E 00 00 00 2C                                            mov     [rbp+4F0h+var_462], 2Ch ; ','
idiom commented 2 years ago

Thanks @a0rtega !