idiomatic / HandyNotes_Achievements

Shows location of incomplete World of Warcraft achievements
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Updated submodule LibQTip #44

Closed mvdwetering closed 2 years ago

mvdwetering commented 2 years ago

RecentlyI have been getting Lua errors when hovering Handynotes_Achievement icons on the world map (see message below). Updating LibQTip fixes it.

I think I did it right, but it is the first time I update a submodule. It is intended to point at the current tip of the master branch of LibQTip. The commit with sha 4c6a3d882373fa0b52c6b71d09acc0b87ec1ae00

28x ChocolateBar\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0-48.lua:543: attempt to call method 'GetBackdrop' (a nil value)
[string "@ChocolateBar\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0-48.lua"]:543: in function <ChocolateBar\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:539>
[string "@ChocolateBar\libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0-48.lua"]:132: in function `Acquire'
[string "@HandyNotes_Achievements\HandyNotes_Achievements-0.5.0.lua"]:69: in function <...\HandyNotes_Achievements\HandyNotes_Achievements.lua:68>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@HandyNotes\HandyNotes-v1.6.4.lua"]:56: in function <HandyNotes\HandyNotes.lua:51>
[string "@HandyNotes\HandyNotes-v1.6.4.lua"]:166: in function `OnEnter'
[string "@HandyNotes\HandyNotes-v1.6.4.lua"]:391: in function <HandyNotes\HandyNotes.lua:390>