Large-scale taxonomic harmonization of plant names by fuzzy matching and synonymy resolution against the Leipzig Plant List as taxonomic backbone. Submission of single names or list of species names is possible.
If an authority name is provided, the LCVP function currently returns also synonyms and infra-specific names, irrespective of the synonyms and infra_specific settings provided by the user. These options should also work when an authority is provided.
Solved fixing the max.distance = 3 by default in the application of the fuzzy match algorithm to the autority when a taxa is provided of it (e.g. Viola macloskeyi F.E. Lloyd).
If an authority name is provided, the LCVP function currently returns also synonyms and infra-specific names, irrespective of the synonyms and infra_specific settings provided by the user. These options should also work when an authority is provided.