Open Mixaz017 opened 2 years ago
Cannot replicate on Manjaro, works fine for me
I have no idea why tbh. No errors in console.
Tested on Arch with i3wm, barely touched any config, restart didn't work. :(
Can replicate on Debian lsb_release -a Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) Release: 11 Codename: bullseye
Can replicate on Debian
What DE/WM are you using?
Can replicate on both idkr and crankshaft.
Pop OS!_22.04
Ctrl + Alt + R shortcut only closes the client and doesn't relaunch. This shortcut does work in dev (
npm start
) environment.What I tried
Upgrading Electron doesn't seem to help (tested in 13.2.2, 16.0.7). Changing
also didn't work.Reproducibility
Confirmed on Ubuntu and Manjaro.