idleberg / Hopscotch.tmTheme

Color scheme inspired by the Hopscotch learning platform for kids
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Sublime Text UI Theme #1

Open helen opened 9 years ago

helen commented 9 years ago

Hi! I tweaked the itg.flat UI theme to complement Hopscotch, not sure if it would make sense to add that to your Sublime Text package or if it would be better as a separate package. Seems like it'd be nice to just install an overall Hopscotch package. It looks like this:

Hopscotch UI theme

idleberg commented 9 years ago

Got to my computer morning, couldn't believe there's another issue („come on, what is it this time?!”). Until I saw what you did — woooow! That's so nice.

I guess people should have the choice between just a color scheme and the full theme, so why don't you go ahead and put it on Package Control? I'm not sure if I understood the dependencies that were introduced with Package Control 3.0, but I guess it would be extra-nice if the color scheme could be a dependency of your theme, making possible updates on the scheme go smoother.

Again, this looks great and might just become the first theme I'm going to use!

helen commented 9 years ago

I have no idea about dependencies either, but I'll go find out! That would make a lot of sense. Thanks for your work on Hopscotch :) Will work on that and comment/close when I've got it sorted.

idleberg commented 9 years ago

Turns out dependencies are not for third-party packages. How is the theme coming along, would sure love to test it myself.

helen commented 9 years ago

Oops, lost track of this! I've got a pretty good file for the theme - might be nice to have as a part of this package, as the user still has control over whether to use both the scheme and theme or just one.

helen commented 9 years ago

Put it in a repo for now:

idleberg commented 9 years ago

Any idea why the icons aren't showing up for me? Think I had the same issue with other themes.

helen commented 9 years ago

Hmm not sure, I can't say I know much about troubleshooting ST themes. Maybe it's trying to look in the wrong directory for some reason? The path to the image is defined in the theme file but it's relative to something, I think.