We need to have the following shown on the profile:
therapists Business email
business website
business hours
These need to also be added to the Business Contact Information page for the therapist to add.
Session fee - $ amount range (example $50-$100 per session)/or they can leave blank
Sliding scale - yes or no/leave blank
Payment method - Visa, MC, Amer Ex, Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, Cash, HSA, FSA
For the contact information, can you put that under the therapist name
For the business hours, Can you put them on the right hand side of the profile screen? That will force the "About me" information to go down further.
For the session fee, sliding scale and payment method, those can go under the "Accepted Insurance" section.
Added 3/23 - Can you also add the qualifications information to the profile page also?
Hey Kendra,
We need to have the following shown on the profile:
therapists Business email business website business hours
These need to also be added to the Business Contact Information page for the therapist to add. Session fee - $ amount range (example $50-$100 per session)/or they can leave blank Sliding scale - yes or no/leave blank Payment method - Visa, MC, Amer Ex, Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, Cash, HSA, FSA
For the contact information, can you put that under the therapist name
For the business hours, Can you put them on the right hand side of the profile screen? That will force the "About me" information to go down further.
For the session fee, sliding scale and payment method, those can go under the "Accepted Insurance" section.
Added 3/23 - Can you also add the qualifications information to the profile page also?