idpaterson / alfred-wunderlist-workflow

Unbelievably fast task entry in Wunderlist with due dates, reminders, and recurrence
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input wl, the wunderlist 2 just show up #41

Closed kayshen1024 closed 10 years ago

kayshen1024 commented 10 years ago

I don't know if it's a bug or not, or because of the config of my mac, when I input the wl into alfred 2, it would show up the wunderlist immediately if I've opened it before. I've no chance to input the space. Then I still have to add a todo work by wunderlist. And if I've not opened the wunderlist yet, after I input the wl and press the space key on keyboard, then the wunderlist shows up again, then I have to add a todo work by wunderlist again. My wunderlist version is 2.3.5, and the alfred is ver 2.2(234). Hope you understand what I'm saying, sorry for my poor English.

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

This may be the same thing that other people have reported, so far I do not know what causes the problem. Your answers to the following questions might help track down the issue.

  1. Can you send a screenshot that shows your Wunderlist app? This is usually a good starting point to compare possible differences.
  2. In System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility is the Alfred option checked?
  3. Are you familiar with using the terminal in case we need to do further debugging?
CaptainMalReynolds commented 10 years ago

I have the same issue. Just start typing wl and Alfred switches to Wunderlist right away every time, can't do anything. Alfred 2.1.1

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

Can you try installing the 0.3 preview that includes fixes for some issues others have encountered? Download here. Thanks, let me know if it works!

CaptainMalReynolds commented 10 years ago

Tried 0.3 version, also updated Alfred to the latest one. Now it doesn't jump to Wunderlist window right away, but always shows me this message "please enable the checkbox allowing alfred to control your computer", though I turned Alfred checkbox on in Settings for Privacy --> Accessibility

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

Others have had trouble with Mavericks not respecting the setting in Privacy > Accessibility but we haven't been able to track down a fix yet. Please try opening up the terminal, then type tccutil reset Accessibility and press return. This will reset the accessibility panel, but I have not been able to confirm yet whether it fixes this problem.

After doing that you will need to run the workflow again, then go back to the accessibility panel to enable the checkbox for Alfred 2. Let me know if you're still experiencing the same issue.

CaptainMalReynolds commented 10 years ago

No, unfortunately that didn't help. I even did it twice and restarted mac os, still have the same issue saying I have to enable an access to Alfred for Wunderlist. That's frustrating... seems to be more like Mac OS issue now more than Wunderlist workflow, I suppose

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

That seems to be the consensus so far. Can you please try installing the menu bar search extension which also requires accessibility support and then see if m edit in Alfred shows menu bar items?

I hate to ask, but in case this is a widespread issue, would you be willing to try uninstalling and reinstalling Alfred? The problem seems to be related to a specific app; others with this issue were able to enable accessibility for the terminal, for instance, and run the workflow without issue.

CaptainMalReynolds commented 10 years ago

OK, so I installed menu bar search. If I type m edit it doesn't show me any items, but it also doesn't ask for Privacy checkbox in Settings at all. Just shows nothing, basically. As for Alfred itself, yes, I already re-installed it and it didn't seem to help at all. Is the problem with Alfred specifically, or with the Wunderlist?

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

I'm not entirely sure. My best guess so far was that it was a problem with some setting getting stuck in the upgrade from Mountain Lion to Mavericks or between Mavericks upgrades. However, I don't have any concrete evidence to support that or to know whether it is a problem with Alfred or OS X. Going to start a thread on the Alfred forum to see if any other developers have this issue.

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

Something else to check if you don't mind: What is the output of each of the following four commands in the terminal?

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT * FROM access WHERE client = 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2'"

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT * FROM access_overrides"

sudo sqlite3 /Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT * FROM access WHERE client = 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2'"

sudo sqlite3 /Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT * FROM access_overrides"
JustinAiken commented 10 years ago

I'll post that since I'm having the same issue:

$  sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT * FROM access WHERE client = 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2'"                                                                                                                                                   

$ sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT * FROM access_overrides"   

$ sudo sqlite3 /Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT * FROM access WHERE client = 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2'"

$  sudo sqlite3 /Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT * FROM access_overrides"
idpaterson commented 10 years ago

Thanks! I don't know if this will help but there was a difference between your output and mine. The field that was a 1 for me and a 0 for you is called "prompt_count" so I'm not too optimistic that it does anything important.


Try this then let me know if anything changes. Not sure if restarting will be necessary to apply this change.

sudo sqlite3 /Library/Application\ Support/ "UPDATE access SET prompt_count = 1 WHERE client = 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2'"
sudo touch /private/var/db/.AccessibilityAPIEnabled
JustinAiken commented 10 years ago

Nope, still pops up the accessibility panel. Mavericks really dropped the ball on this one...

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

Is your copy of Alfred from the App Store or from the Alfred web site? Nevermind, I forgot that the version in the App Store is Alfred 1...

CaptainMalReynolds commented 10 years ago

Here is my output:

sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT * FROM access WHERE client = 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2'"

sudo sqlite3 /Library/Application\ Support/ "SELECT * FROM access WHERE client = 'com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2'"

And the line you posted above didn't work for me either, unfortunately.

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

Thanks, rats... nothing about this in the apple dev forums either.

CaptainMalReynolds commented 10 years ago

Yeah I know, I also tried to look and haven't found the solution so far. I'm not even sure if it's an OS issue, or Alfred, or something else. Maybe someone on Alfred support website will help us out.

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

I'll throw together a quick applescript workflow that tests this particular issue tomorrow evening so that people can very clearly see whether they are affected or not. Will post a discussion on the forums after that's ready so that folks can see something concrete.

Thanks for all your help you guys, very much appreciated!

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

I'm working on the testing workflow now. Here's another thing to try in the meantime. Alfred recently added a debug button that shows any errors or other debug info from the workflow. Please

  1. Open Alfred preferences
  2. Go to the Workflows tab
  3. Select Wunderlist by Ian Paterson in the list on the left
  4. Click the debug icon in the upper right of the workflow canvas
  5. Use the workflow
  6. Copy and paste any messages appearing in the log

Debug pane

This should more concretely determine whether accessibility is disabled (despite the checkbox in system preferences) or the workflow is just testing incorrectly.

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

Please download the accessibility testing workflow. This mini workflow has 5 commands including 4 tests of different ways to use UI accessibility in Alfred as well as a fifth command to bring up the Accessibility preference pane.

After installing the workflow, simply type access in Alfred then activate each of the 4 tests. Note whether each test fails or passes. Then, try the same thing after disabling the access setting for Alfred in system preferences.

It would be helpful if you could share screenshots of the response of this testing workflow alongside the System Preferences window showing that Alfred is selected. That would fast-track the forum post past anyone doubting "well they're just not enabling that checkbox." Thanks!

CaptainMalReynolds commented 10 years ago

I got FAIL for all 8 variations: 4 test with checkbox enabled and the same with disabled.

idpaterson commented 10 years ago

Perfect, can you take a screenshot showing both Alfred with the result of one of those tests and the preferences page on the same screen? Will go to the Alfred forums tonight.

CaptainMalReynolds commented 10 years ago

idpaterson commented 10 years ago


idpaterson commented 10 years ago

Alfred forum post in case you would like to join in.

CaptainMalReynolds commented 10 years ago


idpaterson commented 10 years ago

Anyone watching this topic who is experiencing the same problem with enabling the Accessibility checkbox, please subscribe to the Alfred forum post where you may be able to help further track down the issue.

floatdrop commented 10 years ago

Topic is deleted, but I still get this strange behavior.