idris-lang / Idris-dev

A Dependently Typed Functional Programming Language
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Some foreign function symbols not found when using type providers #1032

Closed joshvera closed 10 years ago

joshvera commented 10 years ago

This fails to compile:

module Main
import Providers

%include C "math.h"
%lib C "m"
%language TypeProviders

round : Float -> IO Float
round x = mkForeign (FFun "round" [FFloat] FFloat) x

provideTwo : IO (Provider Float)
provideTwo = return $ Provide !(round 2.3)

%provide (two : Float) with provideTwo

main : IO ()
main = putStrLn $ show two


Symbol "round" not found
INTERNAL ERROR: Could not call foreign function "round" with args [EBind Pi {binderTy = [__]} <<fn>>,FFun ("round") (Prelude.List.:: (FTy) (FFloat) (Prelude.List.Nil (FTy))) (FFloat),2.3,TheWorld]
This is probably a bug, or a missing error message.
Please consider reporting at

test026.idr manages to call readFile without issues, but it seems we compile that specially. Could it be an issue with mkForeign and type providers?

david-christiansen commented 10 years ago

In this case, you just need to get Idris to dynamically load the C lib in question using %dynamic.

There are some issues with laziness and type providers right now - I fixed them on an airplane a couple hours ago and I'll send a PR after I test it a bit more and perhaps sleep :-)

joshvera commented 10 years ago

@david-christiansen Thanks! Then this was an issue with linking the library statically and has nothing to do with the laziness issues you mentioned right? Shall I close this out?

david-christiansen commented 10 years ago

If you've made your (perfectly reasonable) code work by adding a %dynamic directive, then I don't think this is a bug, and it should probably be closed. If adding this does not fix it, then there may be a previously unknown issue with the dynamic linking.