idris-lang / Idris-dev

A Dependently Typed Functional Programming Language
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--partial-eval and --no-partial-eval arguments are accepted at once #2207

Open osa1 opened 9 years ago

osa1 commented 9 years ago

It seems to me like --no-partial-eval and --partial-eval should be merged and converted to a switch instead of separate flags. This way we can set it False by default, and True when --no-partial-eval is passed.

Here's what happens in HEAD:

➜   idris --partial-eval --no-partial-eval
     ____    __     _                                          
    /  _/___/ /____(_)____                                     
    / // __  / ___/ / ___/     Version
  _/ // /_/ / /  / (__  )      
 /___/\__,_/_/  /_/____/       Type :? for help               

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Accepted without any warnings or errors. I have no ideas whether partial evaluation is enabled or disabled.

osa1 commented 9 years ago

I'm moving IRC discussion to here:

Apparently this is deliberately done, what should happen is that last argument should be the valid one. (make sure this is working)