idrugLab / FP-GNN

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The in FP-GNN #2

Open mamei1016 opened 1 year ago

mamei1016 commented 1 year ago

when i When I run code run in FP-GNN in multitask situations, it always reminds me of the following error:

File "F:\Code\molecule\Two paper\reference code\FP-GNN-main\FP-GNN-main\", line 39, in training info(f'Average test {one_name} {args.metric} = {np.nanmean(score[:, i]):.6f} +/- {np.nanstd(score[:, i]):.6f}') IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed

how to solve Thank you!

idrugLab commented 1 year ago

when i When I run code run in FP-GNN in multitask situations, it always reminds me of the following error:

File "F:\Code\molecule\Two paper\reference code\FP-GNN-main\FP-GNN-main\", line 39, in training info(f'Average test {one_name} {args.metric} = {np.nanmean(score[:, i]):.6f} +/- {np.nanstd(score[:, i]):.6f}') IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 1-dimensional, but 2 were indexed

how to solve Thank you!

thanks for your issue. I have updated the code to solve this problem.
