There is a need to add 'software' after 'open fair-code source' so that it becomes 'open fair-code source software'. This will help the translation into French and German to be more accurate. While working on the German translation of the file, it was confusing to translate adjectives without having the noun they are describing. Unlike English, French and German have different pronouns for masculine and feminine nouns. That's why adding the word 'software' will give more sense to the statement and make translations more valid.
There is a need to add 'software' after 'open fair-code source' so that it becomes 'open fair-code source software'. This will help the translation into French and German to be more accurate. While working on the German translation of the file, it was confusing to translate adjectives without having the noun they are describing. Unlike English, French and German have different pronouns for masculine and feminine nouns. That's why adding the word 'software' will give more sense to the statement and make translations more valid.