MobSim with 20.000 cars and ~15.000 EVCS takes very long (>60 Minutes) to initialize.
First guess to check: distance calculations from ev to poi?
23:44:02.574 INFO e.i.simona.util.ResultFileHierarchy$ - Processing configs for simulation: 20231113_flex_testgrid.
23:44:02.582 INFO e.i.simona.util.ResultFileHierarchy$ - Config '[...]/flex/output/flex_testgrid/20231113_flex_testgrid_2023-11-14_23-44-02/configs/vn_simona.conf' written to '[...]/flex/output/flex_testgrid/20231113_flex_testgrid_2023-11-14_23-44-02/configs/vn_simona.conf'.
23:44:02.812 INFO akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
23:44:03.061 INFO e.ie3.simona.sim.setup.ExtSimLoader$ - Jar file MobilitySimulator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar was loaded with one implementation.
23:44:26.088 WARN$ - Validation of grid 20231113_flex_testgrid failed:
Validation failed due to:
Validation of 'EvcsInput' is currently not supported.
23:44:26.122 WARN - Unable to find file for entity 'OperatorInput': input/flex_testgrid/grid/operator_input.csv (No such file or directory)
23:44:26.123 WARN - Unable to find file for entity 'OperatorInput': input/flex_testgrid/grid/operator_input.csv (No such file or directory)
23:44:28.176 WARN e.i.s.s.setup.SimonaStandaloneSetup$ - The configured RefSystem for subGrid 12 differs in its nominal voltage (0.4 kV) from the gridspredominant voltage level nominal voltage (0.4 kV). If this is by intention and still valid, this warning can be just ignored!
23:44:28.386 WARN e.i.s.s.setup.SimonaStandaloneSetup$ - The configured RefSystem for subGrid 11 differs in its nominal voltage (20.0 kV) from the gridspredominant voltage level nominal voltage (20.0 kV). If this is by intention and still valid, this warning can be just ignored!
23:44:28.395 INFO e.i.s.e.l.RuntimeEventListener$ - Initializing Agents and Services for Simulation ...
23:44:28.402 INFO edu.ie3.mobsim.MobilitySimulator$ - Starting setup...
23:44:28.426 WARN - Unable to find file for entity 'OperatorInput': [...]flex/input/flex_testgrid/grid/operator_input.csv (No such file or directory)
23:44:29.029 INFO e.ie3.mobsim.model.ChargingStation$ - Received 15600 charging stations during setup.
00:44:28.773 WARN e.ie3.simona.scheduler.SimScheduler - [SimScheduler_25e55] No messages received for ten minutes. Current state data:
MobSim with 20.000 cars and ~15.000 EVCS takes very long (>60 Minutes) to initialize. First guess to check: distance calculations from ev to poi?