ietf-rats-wg / architecture

RATS Architecture
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Mgmt review: layered attestation diagram has odd numbering #433

Open mcr opened 1 year ago

mcr commented 1 year ago
> As a very minor nit, I'm surprised that the numbering of the relying
> parties is not the other way round, since presumably the flow talks to
> relying party 2 before relying party 1.  As alternative suggestion
> could be to label them something like "Main Relying Party" and
> "Secondary Relying Party".

I'm gonna let Dave Thaler argue the final point here. My understanding is that the commuication starts with talking to Relying Party 1. It says, something like,

"Halt! Who goes there! Answer me These Questions Three!^W^W^W^W^W Show me the Evidence that you are vermin free!"

at which point, the Attester, having no fresh Attestation results from Relying Party 2, goes over to the other attestation flow and gathers what it needs.

In the TEEP case, the Relying Party 1 (like a Bank) is looking that a particular Trusted Application is loaded in the TEE (like a secure wallet). If it isn't, then the mobile phone has to present Evidence to the TAM that it is suitably vermin free in order to load the wallet app.

Okay, but in that case, I would think that text and perhaps diagram could be made clearer.

The direction of the arrows in the diagram seems to suggest that there is only a single communication to "Relying Party 1" which is the "Attestation Result".