ietf-rats-wg / draft-ietf-rats-corim

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measurement-map misnomer? (measurement/claim/assertion/property/proposition...?) #225

Open deeglaze opened 5 months ago

deeglaze commented 5 months ago

The measurement-map type is used for non-measurement claims, such as attesting environment topology and endorsements. Shall we rename measurement-map to claims-map, and measurement-values-map to claim-values-map ?

deeglaze commented 3 months ago

Let's determine in this issue which term we want to use for the logical propositions that are used by endorsements, reference values, and abstract verifier state.

deeglaze commented 3 months ago

To recap the discussion,

However way we slice it there will be tradeoffs. I think the least offensive to folks' sensibilities given text proposed by everyone at some point is "Assertion". Let's make a final decision though.

thomas-fossati commented 3 months ago

I wouldn't rule out Claims: I see its generality as a feature rather than a bug. This would still be my preference.

Among the other proposals, I can live with Property or Assertion.

nedmsmith commented 2 weeks ago

The challenge is that we want to use a common CDDL structure to represent information that has multiple contexts / domains of interpretation. Namely, Evidence, Reference, Endorsement. We've found it helpful to describe Reference and Endorsement as "values" while Evidence seems appropriate to use "measurement". Those of us with a TCG bias seem happy to use 'measurement' for all three cases since that has been a convention in the TCG for a long time. A pragmatic consideration when writing prose is we typically provide qualifying wording such as "reference values" or "endorsement values", and could easily follow a convention such as "evidence values". This suggests that an unqualified "values" could be used in CDDL where the CDDL applies to all three contexts. Note that the triple itself already provides "reference" and "endorsement" context, (and in the concise-evidence context); so regardless of what wording is used deeper in the CDDL, the reader is able to disambiguate.

What is wrong with using "Value" or "Values" as the value part of a named-value pairing that involves a collection of Environment claims (aka the name) and a collection of Value claims (aka the value)?

The upper level CDDL still supplies context for Reference, Endorsement, or Evidence - as before - so using generalized wording still doesn't make the structure any less descriptive.

"Assertion" is also reasonable though 9334 uses "assert", "asserted", and "asserted information" frequently to describe in more general terms "Claim" and other hand-wavey concepts. Nevertheless, it doesn't specifically use "assertion".

Nevertheless, I'm not passionate about any particular alternative, nor am I passionate about changing what's already there as I believe the CDDL supplies the needed disambiguation context. Hence, it doesn't feel like a problem that needs fixing IMHO.