ietf-rats / ietf-corim-cddl

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evidence schemas #123

Open nedmsmith opened 3 years ago

nedmsmith commented 3 years ago

Given there is interest in building attestation evidence that closely aligns with corim / comid reference values schema. Does it make sense to define an evidence schema along with the comid schema? Pros: any change to RV schema can be aligned with the evidence schema - possibly in the same issue/PR. Cons: different environments and conveyance protocols may have different binding and adaptation needs that could result in many flavors of evidence (schema) and/or could prevent meaningful progress on RV schema definition.

thomas-fossati commented 3 years ago

I think it makes a lot of sense to have evidence "close" to corim. I don't see any philosophical problem with implementing closeness by putting the files in this repo. There are big advantages in terms of reusing the assemble/validate/test machinery in the Makefile and forcing us to keep the specs aligned. As Henk suggested, we could change the repo name if that'd cause confusion.