Closed ietf-svn-bot closed 9 years ago changed type from enhancement
to defect changed component from doc/
to submit/ commented
Hi Liman,
It's Friday, so I'm working on IETF stuff from home, and I see this little missive in my inbox :-)
These days, it is actually OK to upload only XML -- I added that capability a couple of months ago. However, the submission page is not sufficiently clear on that; I'll fix.
Given that, it is likely that the error message:
Could not extract a valid draft revision from the upload
really is the proper error; it does however not give good guidance about fixing the problem. I'm going change things so that the error messages are different for TXT and XML uploads, and change the xml error message for this case to something like:
Could not extract a valid draft revision from the upload. To fix this
in your xml file, please add a docName to the top-level changed status from new
to closed changed resolution from ` to
fixed` commented
Fixed in 35f4aeafd8398fe12fc4b63cb185d2a0bc26ad2e, 3d78853b551ac93c5076a670ecab6f6d7da0da3c.
| by nkhan@amsl.comWe received the following ticket from a submitter:
When using the draft submission tool on
uploading a TXT version is mandatory. Optionally one can add XML and other versions.
If one happens to not have read the fine print on the instructions page a click or two away, it's very easy to assume that XML is also authoritative, as TXT can easily be generated from that, but if one only provides an XML file one gets an error message. Which is VERY confusing. The message is:
Could not extract a valid draft revision from the upload
Correct as that may be, in a sense, it does not guide the user to the correct behaviour, as the leading phrase seems to be "valid ... revision", so one tends to look at revision numbers, and possible submission filters (making the uploaded version invalid).
Can I suggest that the error message in this scenario be changed to:
TXT file mandatory. Other extra formats optional.
or something along those lines?
Best regards, /Lars-Johan Liman
Issue migrated from trac:1799 at 2022-03-04 04:45:21 +0000