There is a script that can be configured to scrape one of the all_id files for documents normatively referencing a configured set of documents for a group.
Note the config file or command-line arguments to customize the results for a group. One example, for httpbis, would be to use a command line argument string of
At least one chair has asked if this functionality can be provided without requiring them to run the script on their own infrastructure.
The datatracker can provide this report. This snippet gets to the essence of what it would need to do:
for r in RelatedDocument.objects.filter(relationship__slug='refnorm',target__name__in=['rfc2616','rfc7230','rfc7231','rfc7232','rfc7233','rfc7234','rfc7235','rfc7540','rfc7541','rfc5789','rfc6265','rfc7838']).filter(source__states__type='draft',source__states__slug='active').exclude(source__group__acronym__in=['httpbis','quic','none']).order_by('source__name').distinct():
print (,,,
It would be good to both provide this as a page that can be viewed at any time, and to make it an option for chairs to receive the results in a monthly email report.
Issue migrated from trac:2620 at 2022-03-04 06:54:56 +0000
| by rjsparks@nostrum.comThere is a script that can be configured to scrape one of the all_id files for documents normatively referencing a configured set of documents for a group.
Note the config file or command-line arguments to customize the results for a group. One example, for httpbis, would be to use a command line argument string of
At least one chair has asked if this functionality can be provided without requiring them to run the script on their own infrastructure.
The datatracker can provide this report. This snippet gets to the essence of what it would need to do:
It would be good to both provide this as a page that can be viewed at any time, and to make it an option for chairs to receive the results in a monthly email report.
Issue migrated from trac:2620 at 2022-03-04 06:54:56 +0000