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Ability to check abbreviations #26

Open ajeanmahoney opened 6 months ago

ajeanmahoney commented 6 months ago

Each abbreviation used within the text should be expanded on first use unless it is listed as well known on the RFC Editor Abbreviations List. Once an abbreviation has been expanded, the abbreviation should be used thereafter (see the Web Portion of the Style Guide).

The user should be able to create a report of abbreviations used within the document. The report should list alphabetically each abbreviation with its expansion (if one was provided). The report should note the following:

The report should be saveable as a text file.

6BBR - expanded as "6LoWPAN Backbone Router"
API - is well known and not expanded
BGP - is well known and is expanded as "Border Gateway Protocol"
IETF - WARNING used before the expansion "Internet Engineering Task Force"
DPLPMTUD - WARNING multiple expansions:
DPLPMTUD - expanded as "Datagram Packetization Layer Path MTU Discovery"
DPLPMTUD - expanded as "Datagram Packetization-Layer PMTUD". 
EB - expanded as "Enhanced Beacon"
"Enhanced Beacon" - WARNING: used 5 times after expansion of "EB"
ETX - expanded as "Expected Transmission Count"
ETX - WARNING only used once
LLN - expanded as "Low-Power Lossy Network". WARNING does not match Abbreviation List "Low-Power and Lossy Network"
SIP - WARNING redundant word after abbreviation: "SIP protocol"