ietf-wg-ccwg / rfc5033bis

IETF drafts
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Add a couple of paras of context for IETF DC work? #104

Closed gorryfair closed 5 months ago

gorryfair commented 5 months ago

Moving this from PR to a separate issue:

As I recall (others may add to the list), there are challenges to be considered by a proponent/IETF, which include:

Does the proposal rely on technologies specified by other Forums/SDOs? Does the IETF have sufficient experience of the DC requirements and to review the proposals? Does the proposal include experience of interoperability between different implementations? or a plan for this? Does the DC traffic share resources with Internet traffic? Specifically: does the method to be used between DCs or only within DCs? - How is this usage scoped? And what happens when the protocol is bridged across an Internet path? One or more of these has in the past thwarted progress towards adoption in the IETF, can we say something about this?

I think this is the tip of a larger iceberg, and I'd suggest we'd need a little more text in the intro, if the IETF now thinks they may produce specs in this space.