ietf-wg-dmarc / draft-ietf-dmarc-aggregate-reporting

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Define and add NXDOMAIN aggregate reporting #5

Closed ietf-svn-bot closed 1 year ago

ietf-svn-bot commented 4 years ago

keyword_improve_reports type_enhancement | by

Public Suffix Domains might want a special type of reporting limited to NXDOMAINs being used to send email within their zones. One of the ket uses cases being discussed as part of PSD is not just blocking unauthenticated being sent from NXDOMAINs, but being able to gather some data on what exactly is being abused. An NXDOMAIN aggregate report meets this need, and is desirable for operators PSDs.

Issue migrated from trac:60 at 2022-01-24 16:17:32 +0000

ietf-svn-bot commented 4 years ago changed status from new to assigned

ietf-svn-bot commented 4 years ago removed owner (was

ietf-svn-bot commented 4 years ago changed component from rfc7601bis to dmarc-bis

ietf-svn-bot commented 3 years ago changed component from dmarc-bis to dmarc-aggregate-reporting

abrotman commented 1 year ago

This should be covered by the np flag for 9091, and by using that, the PSD holder should be reports for an NXDOMAIN. If not, there are also extensions that can be defined.