ietf-wg-drip / draft-ietf-drip-registries

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Section 7 Incomplete #31

Open kc2rxo opened 1 year ago

kc2rxo commented 1 year ago

From the opsdir review

section 7 is observably incomplete

It is noted by the authors that as this system scales the problem becomes a, well known and tricky, key management problem. While recommendations for key management are useful they are not necessarily in scope for this document as best common practices around key management should already be mandated and enforced by the cognizant authorities in their existing systems. This document instead focuses on finding a balance for generic wide-spread interoperability between DIMEs with authorities and their existing systems in a Differentiated Access Process (DAP).

at a minimum the key managment problem should be elucidated

DRIP has no intention to develop a new "art" of key management, instead hoping to leverage existing systems and be flexible enough to adapt as new ones become popular.

kc2rxo commented 1 week ago

Jim is reviewing this section for the next version.