ietf-wg-emailcore / emailcore

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G.7.14. Abstract Update #52

Closed ietf-svn-bot closed 2 years ago

ietf-svn-bot commented 3 years ago

resolution_fixed type_defect | by

John Klensin wrote:

Does the Abstract need to be modified in the light of RFC 6409 or
other changes?

Issue migrated from trac:52 at 2022-01-31 12:38:09 +0000

ietf-svn-bot commented 3 years ago commented

As Abstract talks about use of SMTP for submission without mentioning RFC 6409, I agree it should be updated.

ietf-svn-bot commented 3 years ago changed priority from major to minor

ietf-svn-bot commented 2 years ago commented

OLD: Although SMTP was designed as a mail transport and delivery protocol, this specification also contains information that is important to its use as a "mail submission" protocol for "split-UA" (User Agent) mail reading systems and mobile environments.

NEW: The document also provides information about use of SMTP for other than strict mail transport and delivery.

The idea is to mention RFC 6409 later in the document, not in the Abstract.

ietf-svn-bot commented 2 years ago changed status from new to closed

ietf-svn-bot commented 2 years ago set resolution to fixed

ietf-svn-bot commented 2 years ago commented

Implemented in -06.