ietf-wg-httpapi / ratelimit-headers

Repository for IETF WG draft ratelimit-headers
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Clarification on requirements for server behavior. #120

Closed darrelmiller closed 1 year ago

darrelmiller commented 1 year ago

In section 4 it says,

A server uses the RateLimit header fields to communicate its quota policies. Sending the RateLimit-Limit and RateLimit-Reset header fields is REQUIRED; sending RateLimit-Remaining header field is RECOMMENDED.

In section 4.1 it says,

Servers are not required to return RateLimit header fields in every response, and clients need to take this into account.

These statements seem contradictory. I do not see how we can declare RateLimit-Limit as REQUIRED considering many APIs do not and will not implement these headers.

It seems to me that if a client receives a RateLimit-Limit header they can choose to either count the requests they make within the time window or they can monitor the RateLimit-Remaining. With neither of those values it would be difficult to do something useful.

How would you feel about words like this:

A server that returns the RateLimit-Limit header field MUST also send either the RateLimit-Reset or RateLimit-Remaining header field, or both.

ioggstream commented 1 year ago

@darrelmiller we are open to clarifications. The rationale for the current behavior is in

I think RateLimit-Reset is always REQUIRED.

A server that returns the RateLimit-Reset header field MUST also send either the RateLimit-Limit or RateLimit-Remaining header field, or both

darrelmiller commented 1 year ago

@ioggstream In theory someone could use RateLimit-Limit to provide a limited number of "free" requests as a trial for their API. They may not choose to have a reset window and just require payment before allocating more calls. This is a bit of an edge case use of the headers, but might be just enough of a justification to limit constraints that we add.

Having said this, I still don't understand how we can make any of these headers required considering there are so many existing APIs that don't return these headers today. How does a developer decide if they MUST return these headers for their API?

Assuming the "free trial" scenario is not considered a valid scenario for this header, then how would you feel about these words?

A response that includes the RateLimit-Limit header field MUST also include the RateLimit-Reset. It MAY also include a RateLimit-Remaining header field.

ioggstream commented 1 year ago