ietf-wg-idr / draft-ietf-idr-bgp-car

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Shepherd Review - G3 Class Editorial Issues 31-38 #24

Closed suehares closed 4 months ago

suehares commented 6 months ago

G3-31: Section 7.1.2 - English Text clarity

G3-31a Old text:/ The SRv6 Service SID allocated by an egress PE is not routed. The service route is advertised by the egress PE with a Color Extended- Community C ([RFC9252] section 5). /

New text:/ The SRv6 Service SID allocated by an egress PE is not routed. The service route is advertised by the egress PE with a Color Extended- Community C (definition [RFC9012], usage [RFC9252] section 5). /

G3-31b: Old Text:/ An ingress PE in a remote domain steers a received service route with Color C via this (E, C) BGP CAR route, as described in Section 3. /

New text:/ An ingress PE in a remote domain steers traffic associated with the received service route with Color C via this (E, C) BGP CAR route, as described in Section 3. /

G3-31c: Old text: Clarity of procedures BGP-CAR may also provide the underlay intent-aware inter-domain reachability to this SRv6 transport SID:

G3-32: Section 7.2, Editorial

Old text:/ A few options to forward packets for BGP Rv6 prefixes described in ([I-D.agrawal-spring-srv6-mpls-interworking] also apply to BGP CAR as follows: / New text:/ A few options to forward packets for BGP SRv6 prefixes described in ([I-D.agrawal-spring-srv6-mpls-interworking] also apply to BGP CAR for Hop by Hop IPv6 forwarding (section 7.2.1) and Encapsulation between Border routes (BR) for BGP SRv6 Prefixes (section 7.2.2). /

Why: English Grammar. Sentences do not linger over sections.

G3-33: Section 7.2.1 - English Grammar

Old text:/

The scaling of the solution is similar to Internet where BGP IP routing has well-known scaling and can support large scale route distribution. An example illustrating these qualities is in the Appendix in section C.1. / Why: (English Grammar) English Sentences rather than bullet points.

G3-34: Section 7.2.2. - English Edits

Old text:/ 7.2.2. Encapsulation between BRs for BGP SRv6 Prefixes

New text:/ 7.2.2. Encapsulation between BRs for BGP SRv6 Prefixes

Another possible solution is the encapsulation of IPv6 traffic between Border Routers for IPv6 Prefixes. This solution includes the following steps:

An example illustrating this solution is in Appendix C.2. /

Why: (English Grammar) Sentences rather than bullet points.

G3-35: Section 7.2.3

Old text:/ Using the BGP CAR SAFI provides significant operational advantages: / New text:/ Using the BGP CAR SAFI provides the following operational advantages: /

Why: Unless you can prove "significant" stay with the adjective "following".

G3-36: Section 8

Old text:/ For specific intents, color may be signaled with the CAR Type-2 route for purposes such as intent-aware SRv6 SID or BGP next-hop selection at each transit BR, color based routing policies and filtering, and intent-aware next-hop resolution (Section 2.5), same as with Type-1 routes. For such purposes, color associated with the CAR IP Prefix route is signaled using LCM-EC. / New text:/ For specific intents, color may be signaled with the CAR Type-2 route for purposes such as intent-aware SRv6 SID or BGP next-hop selection at each transit BR, color based routing policies and filtering, and intent-aware next-hop resolution (Section 2.5). These purposes are the same as with Type-1 routes. For such purposes, color associated with the CAR IP Prefix route is signaled using LCM-EC. /

G3-37: Section 9.1.1

Old text:/

G3-38: Section 9.1.2

Old text:/

suehares commented 4 months ago

G3-31: Section 7.1.2 (Clarity of English Text) - 07 text review

08-status: resolved, closed after discussion with DJ.

07-status: Partially Resolved. This issue contains the following three sub-issues: 31a, 31b, 31c. Resolved: 31a, 31b, Not resolved: 31c

31-c Issue:

-07 text:/ BGP CAR distribution of (E, C) underlay route:

New text:/ BGP CAR distribution of (E, C) underlay route is done by:

Note: If the above sections within the draft are incorrect, please provide specific sections.

suehares commented 4 months ago

G3-32: Section 7.2 (Editorial) - Review of -07 text

status: Not resolved

-07 text:/ A few options to forward packets for BGP SRv6 prefixes described in ([I-D.agrawal-spring-srv6-mpls-interworking] also apply to BGP CAR as follows:/ -new text:/ A few options to forward packets for BGP SRv6 prefixes described in ([I-D.agrawal-spring-srv6-mpls-interworking] also apply to BGP CAR. These options are for Hop by Hop IPv6 forwarding and Encapsulation between Border Routers (BRs) for BGP SRv6 Prefixes. The application to BGP CAR is described in this section (See sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 respectively).

Note: I've changed the suggested text.

suehares commented 4 months ago

G3-33 - Section 7.2.1 - English Grammar - Review of -07 Text

-08-Status: Resolved, closed
-07-status: Partial resolution, Additional Edits (G3-33a)

G3-33a: Grammar -

Why: An English sentence should introduce a bullet list.

-07-text:/ This option employs hop by hop IPv6 lookup and forwarding on both BRs and P nodes in a domain, along the path of propagation of BGP CAR routes./

New text: / This option employs hop-by-hop IPv6 lookup and forwarding on both BRs and P nodes in a Color domain along the path of propagation of BGP CAR routes. The option requires the following procedures: /

G3-33b: Grammar

Why: An English sentence should introduce a bullet list.



Note: Please check the "For example text to see if it aligns with your plans for the text."

suehares commented 4 months ago

G3-34 - Section 7.2.2. - English Edits - Review of -07 Text

-08-Status: G3-34a (drop), G3-34b (ok), G3-34 Resolved, closed -07-Status: Partial changes. See additional edits below as G3-34a and G3-34b.

G3-34a: Grammar for list

-07 text: / In this design, IPv6 lookup and forwarding for BGP SRv6 prefixes are only done on BGP BRs.

New text:/ In this design, IPv6 lookup and forwarding for BGP SRv6 prefixes are only done on BGP BRs. The BGP BRs do the following things:

G3-34b: English Grammar - formating of single list entries + clarity of text.

-07 text:/ o A common SID may be shared by multiple BGP SRv6 prefixes, avoiding per-PE SID allocation and installation on any BGP hop./ New text (option 1):/ Multiple BGP SRv6 prefixes may share a common SID, avoiding per-PE SID allocation and installation on any BGP hop./ New text (option 2):/ A common SID may be shared by multiple BGP SRv6 prefixes avoiding per-PE SID allocation and installation on any BGP hop./ Note: My text editor has edit suggestions. It continues to flag the text in option 2 as problematic, so I gave you option 1.

suehares commented 4 months ago

G3-35: Section 7.3 (was 7.2.3) - Review of -07 text

status: Resolved, closed

suehares commented 4 months ago

G3-36: Section 8 - in -07 and-08 text

-08-Status: Resolved, closed -07-Status: Not resolved Why: Grammar: The run-on sentence in the text should be broken into two sentences. Note: Text highlights help identify the change. The highlight should not be carried over to the new text.

-07 text: / For specific intents, color may be signaled with the CAR Type-2 route for purposes such as intent-aware SRv6 SID or BGP next-hop selection at each transit BR, color based routing policies and filtering, and intent-aware next-hop resolution (Section 2.5), same as with Type-1 routes. For such purposes, color associated with the CAR IP Prefix route is signaled using LCM-EC./

New text:/ For specific intents, color may be signaled with the CAR Type-2 route for purposes such as intent-aware SRv6 SID or BGP next-hop selection at each transit BR, color-based routing policies and filtering, and intent-aware next-hop resolution (Section 2.5). These purposes are the same as with Type-1 routes. For such purposes, the color associated with the CAR IP Prefix route is signaled using LCM-EC./

suehares commented 4 months ago

G3-37- Section 9.1.1 - in text -07 and -08

-08-status: Resolved -07-Status: Not resolved Why: You are specifying changes to section 2.9.2 for VPN CAR. If this is incorrect, please let me know. Note: Bold in the "new text" indicates changes suggested to make it easier to read. Do not put the bold in the final document.

-07 text: /

New text:/ All fields are encoded as per Section 2.9.2 with the following changes:

suehares commented 4 months ago

G3-38: Section 9.1.2 for -07 and -08 text

*-08-status: resolved, closed., -07-status: Not resolved Why: Sentence Grammar Note: These editorial changes are parallel to 2.9.2. I've also highlighted the changes in the "new-text" with bold.

-07 text:/

New text:/ All fields are encoded as per Section 2.9.3 with the following changes:

suehares commented 4 months ago

Resolved issues: G3-31a, G3-31b, G3-33 (partial), G3-34 (partial), G3-35, Unresolved issues: G3-31c, G3-32, G3-33a, G3-33b, G3-34a, G3-34b, G3-36, G3-37, G3-38

suehares commented 4 months ago

08-Text Resolution of G3-31 to G3-38 Issues

Resolved issues: G3-31a, G3-31b, G3-31c. G3-32, G3-33, G3-34, G3-35, G3-36, G3-37, G3-38

suehares commented 4 months ago

All Issues resolved, closing main issue