ietf-wg-idr / draft-ietf-idr-bgp-car

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Shepherd's Report- G4 Issues (Appendix Editorial) 1-30 #25

Closed suehares closed 4 months ago

suehares commented 6 months ago

G4 Appendix Editorial Issues

G4-1: Appendix A.1, A.2, A.3.1, A.3.2, A.6,

status: Your choice, but Problem G4-1a: Please use complete English sentences. Problem G4-1b: Using a period at the end of each item in a list is ok. The RFC editor usually allows periods in a list.
Problem G4-1c: Introduce your list clearly. One example of an appropriate list introduction is the following:
-06 text: / With reference to the topology above:/ New text:/ With reference to the topology above, the following occurs:/

Problem G4-2: In A.6

Old Text: / With reference to the Figure 6/ New text: / With reference to /Figure 6, the following occurs:/

G-3. A.1 - Missing period.

Old text:/IGP FA 128 is running in each domain, and mapped to Color C1/ New text:/IGP FA 128 is running in each domain, and mapped to Color C1./

G4-4 in A.2

Why: Sentence Grammar (verb alignment and punctuation). Note: Changes indicated in bold in the new text. Old text/

G4-5: Missing article and space in A.2

Note: Changed text is bolded in the new text to aid the reader of problem report. Please remove bold before adding to text. Old Text:/

G4-6: Section A.4

What: replace ";" with ","** and edits for clear sentences. Note: I've put the changes in bold to make these easier to read. Please remove the bold before inserting in the text. -07 text:/

G4-7: Section A.5 - Sentence form needs commands + added text.

Old text:/

G4-8: Section A.5 - Sentence needs a period.

Each of the sentences below needs a period. Old text:

G4-9: Section A.5 - sentence needs command + added text.

Old text:/

G4-10 Section A.7 - Missing periods


G4-11: Section A.7 - use active tense in sentence

Old text:/ If D2 and D3 belonged to different color domains, the domains will coordinate the assignment of colors to be used with shared IP IP1 such that they do not cause conflicts. / New text:/ If D2 and D3 belong to different color domains, the domains will coordinate the assignment of colors with shared IP IP1 so that they do not cause conflicts. /

G4-12, Appendix B, first paragraph

Old text:/There are a variety of deployment scenarios that arise w.r.t different color mappings in an inter-domain environment/.

Why use w.r.t when the word "concerning" works?

G4-13, Appendix B.2, missing commands and spaces

Old text:/

new text:/ With reference to the topology above, the following occurs o FA128 is mapped to C10, o FA129 is mapped to C20, o FA130 is mapped to C30, and o FA131 is mapped to C40.

  -  Access domain provides 2 intra-domain intents
     o  FA132 is mapped to C1, and
     o  FA133 is mapped to C2. 

  -  Operator defines 4 BGP CAR end-to-end intents as below
     o  CAR color C100 that resolves on C1 in access and C10 in core 
     o  CAR color C200 that resolves on C1 in access and C20 in core
     o  CAR color C300 that resolves on C2 in access and C30 in core
        domain, and 
     o  CAR color C400 that resolves on C2 in access and C40 in core
        domain. /

G4-14: Appendix B.2

Why: Punctuation and Spacing.; Old text: / For example (E2,C100)with BGP color ECs C1, C10 resolves over C1 at ABR 231, C10 at ABR 121 and C1 at E1./ New text:/For example (E2,C100) with BGP color ECs C1, C10 resolves over C1 at ABR 231, C10 at ABR 121, and C1 at E1./

G4-15 Appendix B.3 - Two clauses give a side note (, clause, clause)

Note: changed text is in bold. Old text:/ When the routes are distributed between domains with different color- to-intent mapping schemes, both N:N and N:M cases are possible, although an N:M mapping is more likely to occur. / New text:/ When the routes are distributed between domains with different color- to-intent mapping schemes, both N:N and N:M cases are possible. Although an N:M mapping is more likely to occur. /

G4-16: Appendix B - missing periods at the end of a sentence Note: changes in next text in bold. Remove bold before inserting in document. Old text:/

G4-17: Appendix C.1

Please make sure each bullet line has a period. You are missing several periods.

G4-18: Appendix C.2

Please make sure each bullet line has a period. You are missing several periods.

G4-19: Appendix C.3

a) Title - should include the phrases "Non-Routed Service SID"

G4-20: Appendix C.3

Old text:/ IPv6 packet destination B:C21:2:B6:: lookup in mySID table on ABR 231 or 232 results in END.B6 behavior i.e. push of policy segments to E2. / New text:/ IPv6 packet destination B:C21:2:B6:: lookup in mySID table on ABR 231 or 232 results in END.B6 behavior (i.e. push of policy segments to E2)./

G4-21:B Appendix C.3

Please make sure each bullet line has a period. You are missing a few periods.

G4-22: - Use COLOR-EC abbreviation for clarity A.2, A.3.1, A.3.2, B.2

G4-22a: A.2 Old Text:/

G4-22b - A.3.1 Old text:/

G4-22c - A.3.2

Old text:/

G4-23 - Flex Algo textual clarity - sections A.3.1

Why: Unclear text. Old Text:/

G4-24: Missing figure numbers in A.4 to A

Missing figures: Figure in A.4 - Reference topology should be Figure 10. Packet forwarding diagram at the end of C.1 - would be better as a Figure 16 Packet forwarding diagram at the end of C2 - would be better as Figure 18

Figures: A.4 - Reference topology should be Figure 10. A.5 - Should be figure 11 (currently Figure 10). A.7 - Should be figure 12 (currently Figure 11). B.2 - Should be figure 13 (currently Figure 12). B.3 - Should be figure 14 (not currently a figure) C.1 - Should be Figure 15 (currently figure 13). C1 - Packet forwarding at the end of C.1 Should be figure 16 (not currently a figure).
C2 - Should be Figure 17 (currently figure 14)
C2 - Packet forwarding at end of C2. Should be figure 18 (not currently a figure) D - The Table in D should be Figure 19 or a listed as a Table.

Figures could be improved by showing direction of routes and direction of traffic flow.

G4-26: Text Clarity in A.3.2

Old Text:

what to fix: If TE tunnels are RSVP-TE, please change the text to reflect that. If TE Tunnels can be a variety of TE technologies, specify the technologies.

G4-27: in A.6 Clarity on "N" being prefix or Next Hop.

Unclear text: Is "N" - a next hop or a Prefix? (text in bold and italics to help you see it.) Text in A.6: /

G4-28: Text Clarity in B.2

Old text: / Each BGP CAR color/ New text: / Each ETE BGP CAR color/

G4-29: Text Clarity in B.3

Old text:/ * The original intent in the BGP CAR route is preserved; i.e. route is (E, C1) / What to fix: Please explain how the original color is preserved. Is it preserved in the NLRI?

G4-30: Appendix D is a theoretical Analysis

Change: Required change. Please note that Appendix D is a theoretical analysis based on normal data. Please adjust your text to complete this information.

suehares commented 4 months ago

No changes were made to Appendices A-D beyond the change to Color-EC.
I've renumbered the issues from the Shepherd's report in G4 Category to G-1 to G30.

None of the G4 Category issues are resolved.

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-1: Appendix A.1, A.2, A.3.1, A.3.2, A.6,

-08-Status: Resolved G4-1a, G4-1b, G4-1c,

Edit-status: Your choice, but Problem G4-1a: Please use complete English sentences. Problem G4-1b: Using a period at the end of each item in a list is ok. The RFC editor usually allows periods in a list. Problem G4-1c: Introduce your list clearly. One example of an appropriate list introduction is the following: -06 text: / With reference to the topology above:/ New text:/ With reference to the topology above, the following occurs:/

suehares commented 4 months ago

Problem G4-2: In A.6

-09-status: Resolved, closed -08-status: Not resolved. Old Text: / With reference to the Figure 6/ New text: / With reference to Figure 6, the following occurs:/

suehares commented 4 months ago

G-3. A.1 - Missing period.

08-status: Resolved, Closed Old text:/IGP FA 128 is running in each domain, and mapped to Color C1/ New text:/IGP FA 128 is running in each domain, and mapped to Color C1./

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-4 in A.2

-09-text status: resolved, closed -08-text status: Not resolved.

Why -07 change: Sentence Grammar (verb alignment and punctuation). Note: Changes are indicated in bold in the new text. Old text/

New text:/

-09 text:/

new text:/

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-5: Missing article and space in A.2

-09-status: Resolved, closed -08-Status: Not Resolved

Note: Changed text is bolded in the new text to aid the reader of the problem report. Please remove the bold before adding the change to the text. Old Text:/

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-6: Section A.4

09-status: - resolved, closed 08-status: Partial resolution, 08-next-steps: Talk to DJ (4/24). What: replace ";" with ","** and edits for clear sentences. Note: I've bolded changes to make these easier to read. Please remove the bold before inserting in the text. -07 text:/

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-7: Section A.5 - Sentence form needs commands + added text.

08-Status: Resolved, closed

Old text:/

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-8: Section A.5 - Sentence needs a period.

08-status: Resolved, closed

Each of the sentences below needs a period. Old text:

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-9: Section A.5 - sentence needs command + added text.

-08-text: Resolved, closed Old text:/

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-10 Section A.7 - Missing periods

-08-status: Resolved, closed


suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-11: Section A.7 - use active tense in sentence

-08-status: resolved, closed

Old text:/ If D2 and D3 belonged to different color domains, the domains will coordinate the assignment of colors to be used with shared IP IP1 such that they do not cause conflicts. / New text:/ If D2 and D3 belong to different color domains, the domains will coordinate the assignment of colors with shared IP IP1 so that they do not cause conflicts. /

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-12, Appendix B, first paragraph

08-Status: Resolved, close Old text:/There are a variety of deployment scenarios that arise w.r.t different color mappings in an inter-domain environment/.

Why use w.r.t when the word "concerning" works? Note: w.r.t. was changed to "when"

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-13, Appendix B.2, missing commands and spaces

-08-status: Resolved, closed Old text:/

new text:/ With reference to the topology above, the following occurs o FA128 is mapped to C10, o FA129 is mapped to C20, o FA130 is mapped to C30, and o FA131 is mapped to C40.

  -  Access domain provides 2 intra-domain intents
     o  FA132 is mapped to C1, and
     o  FA133 is mapped to C2. 

  -  Operator defines 4 BGP CAR end-to-end intents as below
     o  CAR color C100 that resolves on C1 in access and C10 in core 
     o  CAR color C200 that resolves on C1 in access and C20 in core
     o  CAR color C300 that resolves on C2 in access and C30 in core
        domain, and 
     o  CAR color C400 that resolves on C2 in access and C40 in core
        domain. /
suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-14: Appendix B.2

08-status: Resolved, closed

Why: Punctuation and Spacing. Old text: / For example (E2,C100)with BGP color ECs C1, C10 resolves over C1 at ABR 231, C10 at ABR 121 and C1 at E1./ New text:/For example (E2,C100) with BGP color ECs C1, C10 resolves over C1 at ABR 231, C10 at ABR 121, and C1 at E1./

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-15 Appendix B.3 - Two clauses give a side note (, clause, clause)

08-Status: Resolved, closed

Note: changed text is in bold. Old text:/ When the routes are distributed between domains with different color- to-intent mapping schemes, both N:N and N:M cases are possible, although an N:M mapping is more likely to occur. / New text:/ When the routes are distributed between domains with different color- to-intent mapping schemes, both N:N and N:M cases are possible. Although an N:M mapping is more likely to occur. /

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-16: Appendix B.3- missing periods at the end of a sentence

-08-status: Resolved, closed

Note: Changes in the next text are in bold. Remove bold before inserting in the document. Old text:/

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-17: Appendix C.1

08-status: Resolved, closed

Please make sure each bullet line has a period. You are missing several periods.

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-18: Appendix C.2

09-status: resolved, closed 08-Status: Partial (one minor NIT).

Please make sure each bullet line has a period. You are missing several periods.

08-text: / For example, 231 and 121 signal SRv6 SID of END behavior [RFC8986] allocated from their respective locators for the C1 intent. (Note, IGP Flex-Algo is shown for intra-domain path, but SR-Policy may also provide the path as shown in Appendix C.3). /

New text Choice-1: / For example, 231 and 121 signal SRv6 SID of END behavior [RFC8986] allocated from their respective locators for the C1 intent. Note, IGP Flex-Algo is shown for intra-domain path, but SR-Policy may also provide the path as shown in Appendix C.3. /

New text Choice-1: / For example, 231 and 121 signal SRv6 SID of END behavior [RFC8986] allocated from their respective locators for the C1 intent (Note: IGP Flex-Algo is shown for intra-domain path, but SR-Policy may also provide the path as shown in Appendix C.3.)** /

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-19: Appendix C.3

08-Status: Resolved, closed a) Title - should include the phrases "Non-Routed Service SID"

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-20: Appendix C.3

08-text: Resolved, Closed

Old text:/ IPv6 packet destination B:C21:2:B6:: lookup in mySID table on ABR 231 or 232 results in END.B6 behavior i.e. push of policy segments to E2. / New text:/ IPv6 packet destination B:C21:2:B6:: lookup in mySID table on ABR 231 or 232 results in END.B6 behavior (i.e. push of policy segments to E2)./

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-21:B Appendix C.3

-09-txt status: Resolved, closed Please make sure each bullet line has a period. You are missing a few periods.

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-22: - Use COLOR-EC abbreviation for clarity A.2, A.3.1, A.3.2, B.2

-08-status: Resolved, Closed

G4-22a: A.2

Old Text:/

G4-22b - A.3.1

Old text:/

G4-22c - A.3.2

Old text:/

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-23 - Flex Algo textual clarity - sections A.3.1

-09-status: Resolved, closed after discussion with DJ 08-Status: Not resolved: 08-next-steps: Discuss Text with DJ (4/24) Why: Unclear text. Old Text:/

DJ# We did not change this because base Algo 0 (base spf) is not referred to as a 'Flex Algo'.

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-24: Missing figure numbers in A.4 to A

08-status: Resolved, closed

Missing figures: Figure in A.4 - Reference topology should be Figure 10. Packet forwarding diagram at the end of C.1 - would be better as a Figure 16 Packet forwarding diagram at the end of C2 - would be better as Figure 18

Figures: A.4 - Reference topology should be Figure 10. A.5 - Should be figure 11 (currently Figure 10). A.7 - Should be figure 12 (currently Figure 11). B.2 - Should be figure 13 (currently Figure 12). B.3 - Should be figure 14 (not currently a figure) C.1 - Should be Figure 15 (currently figure 13). C1 - Packet forwarding at the end of C.1 Should be figure 16 (not currently a figure).
C2 - Should be Figure 17 (currently figure 14)
C2 - Packet forwarding at end of C2. Should be figure 18 (not currently a figure) D - The Table in D should be Figure 19 or a listed as a Table.

Figures could be improved by showing direction of routes and direction of traffic flow.

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-25: Text Clarity in A.3.2

08-Status: Resolved, closed

Old Text:

what to fix: If TE tunnels are RSVP-TE, please change the text to reflect that. If TE Tunnels can be a variety of TE technologies, specify the technologies.

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-26: in A.6 Clarity on "N" being prefix or Next Hop.

09-status: Resolved, closed 08-Status: Not resolved, Partial change 08-next-steps: Discuss with DJ on 4/24

Unclear text: Is "N" - a next hop or a Prefix? (text in bold and italics to help you see it.) -08-text/

-07-Text in A.6: /

DR# N is the next-hop, so an address. We have updated the text to 'next hop'.

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-27: Text Clarity in B.2

08-status: Resolved, closed

Old text: / Each BGP CAR color/ New text: / Each ETE BGP CAR color/

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-28: Text Clarity in B.3

08-status: Resolved, closed

Old text:/ * The original intent in the BGP CAR route is preserved; i.e. route is (E, C1) / What to fix: Please explain how the original color is preserved. Is it preserved in the NLRI?

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-29: Appendix D is a theoretical Analysis

09-status: Resolved, closed. 08-status: Partial, not complete, 08-next-step: Discuss with DJ on 4/24. Change: Required change.

Please note that Appendix D is a theoretical analysis based on normal data. Please adjust your text to complete this information.

Required: 08-text: Analysis below shows comparison of total BGP data on the wire for CAR SAFI and [RFC8277] style encoding in MPLS label (CASE A), SR extension with MPLS (per-prefix label index in Prefix-SID attribute) [RFC8669] (CASE B) and SRv6 SID (CASE C) cases. / 08-text: The theoretical analysis below shows a comparison of total BGP data on the wire for CAR SAFI and [RFC8277] style encoding in MPLS label (CASE A), SR extension with MPLS (per-prefix label index in Prefix-SID attribute) [RFC8669] (CASE B) and SRv6 SID (CASE C) cases. /

suehares commented 4 months ago

G4-30: Location A.5, NIT

-09-status: closed, resolved


suehares commented 4 months ago

Resolved: G4-1, G4-2, G4-3, G4-4,G-6 (partial) , G4-7, G4-8, G4-9, G4-10, G4-11, G4-12, G4-13, G4-15, G4-16, G4-17, G4-18 (Partial), G4-19, G4-20, G4-21, G4-22, G4-23, G4-24, G4-25, G4-26 (Partial), G4-27, G4-28, Not resolved Non-NITS: G4-4, G4-29 (Must change) Not Resolved NITS: G4-3, G4-5, G4-6 (Partial), G4-18 (Partial), G4-26 (Partial), G4-30

suehares commented 4 months ago

09-Text status:

All issues resolved. Closing issue.