ietf-wg-jose / json-web-proof

Specification work for JSON Web Proof
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Extending Existing Json Web Algorithms to Support Some ZKPs #28

Open boumba100 opened 2 years ago

boumba100 commented 2 years ago

As we already know, the existing set of Json Web Algorithms (JWA) only really support proof of authenticity (I.e., that a message was signed by a certain key, and that it was not modified). I propose extending some of the existing JWAs, enabling them to support more extensive proof types such as selective-disclosure, compound proofs, and predicate proofs.

I believe this could be achieved with the following approach.

Generating a digital signature.

  1. Create a vector Pedersen commitment on the messages (m1...mi).
    • COMMITMENT = g1m1 g2m2 gimi * gnnonce .
  2. Sign the commitment using an existing digital signature algorithm (e.g., ECDSA).

Generating a proof.

  1. Generate the required message proofs (MESSAGE_PROOFS), e.g., selective-disclosure/proof-of-knowledge

Verifying a proof.


The homomorphic encryption property of a Pedersen Commitment would enable a prover to create a larger set of proof types on hidden messages. In fact, this is how the Ursa BBS+ and PS signatures implementations support it.

Some Pros and Cons of this approach



Jpa Identifier

A JPA identifier for ES256 plus the described approach could be ES256+C, where C stands for commitment.

Pedersen Commitment Building Block

Another aspect to take into consideration is that the Pedersen Commitment is a building block for many of the ZKP proof algorithms. With this into consideration, I am wondering if we should create a section in the JPA draft spec to document the different proof algorithms that could be applied to Pedersen Commitments. JPAs can then refer to those algorithms.

Useful Links


quartzjer commented 2 years ago

I really like this approach, I'd love to help develop it further as well!

There's very high level similarities to the "Single Use" JPA that is starting to get documented in the latest draft.

Would you want to contribute this as PR for a new section in the JPA draft, or develop it on its own further?

boumba100 commented 2 years ago

Sounds good!

I'll start documenting this approach in the JPA draft.

quartzjer commented 2 years ago

Hi @boumba100, just bumping this thread as we now have two JPAs documented and curious if you think this can be developed into a third?

boumba100 commented 2 years ago

The following link points to the draft I've been working on:

Please feel free to make any suggestions.

Thanks, Noah

OR13 commented 2 years ago

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quartzjer commented 2 years ago

@boumba100 Impressive!

IMO what you've written up so far is easily substantial enough to be its own standalone work. Would you be interested in creating it as a draft in your own name? It can still be a PR to this repo, would just separate the work into an algorithm specific draft.

Would you be free 30 minutes before the upcoming JWP sync call next Tuesday to walk me (and anyone else interested) through it all?

Also just to be sure I'm processing this correctly so far, this algorithm will support selective disclosure and predicate proofs but it will not support unlinkability since the S from the issuer is also provided as-is to the verifier, correct?

boumba100 commented 2 years ago

Hi @quartzjer,

That proposition interests me.

Count me in for a chat before the next call.

Regarding proof linkability, you are correct.

A commitment that is signed using a traditional ECDSA algorithm is linkable because the value of s will not change. That said, the vector-commitment building block could be combined with a ZKP signature/proof algorithm (e.g., BBS+, PS Signatures, blind signatures) to support unlinkable proofs.

dwaite commented 6 months ago

FWIW, @OR13 's verkle reference is on a server which does not appear to currently be running, see instead

dwaite commented 6 months ago

This is a bit of a call-out to see if there is still interest in this family of algorithms.

selfissued commented 1 month ago

This is related to #104. Volunteers to specify how to use these algorithms would be appreciated, as having more algorithms will help ensure the generality of the JWP approach.

That said, unless the new algorithms are clearly standards-bound, we should put them in a separate Additional Algorithms specification rather than JPA, so that JPA can finish when BBS Signatures does.