ietf-wg-jsonpath / draft-ietf-jsonpath-base

Development of a JSONPath internet draft
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Editorial feedback from Erik Auerswald #468

Closed glyn closed 1 year ago

glyn commented 1 year ago

@auerswal wrote:

Hello JSONPath Working Group,

thanks for your work on standardizing query expressions for JSON!

I have not yet used JSONPath and looked at the current I-D to learn about it. While reading draft-ietf-jsonpath-base-13, I wondered for quite some time how "selectors" fit into a JSONPath expression.

I also wondered about the meaning of early examples using selector lists inside a segment, e.g., "$[0,1]", and if this only supported index selectors. Next came the "$.o[,]" example, that additionally showed wildcard selectors. But only section 2.5.1 "Child Segment", much later in the document, introduced the generic "comma-separated sequence of selectors" without restriction to one or two selector variants.

Perhaps the initial descriptions of "segments" could be expanded a bit to already mention "selectors"?

I'd like to suggest the following small additions to the early parts of the draft:

  1. Fill the square brackets in the definition of "segment" in the "Terminology" section 1.1 with "":


    Segment: One of the constructs which select children ([]) or descendants (..[]) of an input value.


    Segment: One of the constructs which select children ([\<selectors>]) or descendants (..[\<selectors>]) of an input value.

  2. Fill the square brackets in the description in section 1.4.2 "Segments" with "\<selectors>":


    Segments select children ([]) or descendants (..[]) of an input value.


    Segments select children ([\<selectors>]) or descendants (..[\<selectors>]) of an input value.

  3. Mention in section 1.4.2 "Segments" that bracket notation allows to use one or more selectors per segment (and supports all selector variants):


    A JSONPath expression may use a combination of bracket and dot notations.


    Bracket notation supports all selector variants. It also allows to use more than one selector per segment (commas between selectors).

    A JSONPath expression may use a combination of bracket and dot notations.

Best regards, Erik

P.S. Please keep me in Cc: of replies, since I am not subscribed to this mailing list.