ietf-wg-jsonpath / draft-ietf-jsonpath-base

Development of a JSONPath internet draft
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Add a new selector type: regex selector #519

Open He-Pin opened 2 months ago

He-Pin commented 2 months ago

We have some fields in object/array , which is generated by backend, with name header_$id, I would like to select it with regex.

gregsdennis commented 2 months ago

Hey there @He-Pin. We actually have some support for that in the RFC. There are two regex functions, match() and search().

match() is implicitly anchored and will match on the full string.

search() is unanchored and will match on substrings.

Both use a flavor of regex called i-regexp, which was developed to be a compatible subset of most commonly used regex engines.

He-Pin commented 2 months ago

I checked that but seem will not match our usage.

  "data": {
    "header_1": {
      "a": "1",
      "b": "2",
      "body": "{\"c\":\"3\"}"
    "header_2": {
      "a": "1",
      "b": "2",
      "body": "{\"c\":\"3\"}"

background: we want to select some json fields for translation. tried java jsonpath implementation. as the json above, we want to select the fields header_1 and header_2 first, does that supported with the current rfc?

I was using $.data[?(@.keys() =~ /header_\d+/i)] but doesn't work. so now, I'm implementation one base on the RFC and with the extended grammar:

regexSelector: /string-literal/

then I can write $[data][/header_\d+/]

as you can see, the main point here we are select on object children's property name

gregsdennis commented 2 months ago

Oh, you want the property names to be matched, not the values.

That, I think is likely going to be covered by #516, which is the piece you're missing. Once you can access the property names, you should be able to pass them into the functions.

He-Pin commented 2 months ago

I think we need the pointer to the child property name, maybe key() not keys().

He-Pin commented 1 month ago

@gregsdennis as , I have implemented this with a new selector RegExpSelector which works on ObjectNode's properties' name.

gregsdennis commented 1 month ago

@He-Pin it's great that you've been able to implement it, but be aware that because it's not a standard behavior, it's not interoperable.

We'll leave this open as an idea for a possible JSON Path v2, but there's no such discussion at the moment. Continuing to push this idea in the short term isn't going to make that happen any faster.

He-Pin commented 1 month ago

Understand , as it's an internal needs, which should be fine.

gregsdennis commented 1 month ago

Another aspect of adding a regex selector is that there's no way to specify what kind of matching you want, which is why we have match() and search() functions rather than a simple ~= operator.

He-Pin commented 1 month ago

Yes, as it's a valid name too. but the name selector is inside '$name' but the regex selector inside a /$regex/