ietf-wg-snac / draft-ietf-snac-simple

Automatically Connecting Stub Networks to Unmanaged Infrastructure
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Should a stub router learn RA header parameters from other routers? #32

Closed superwhd closed 4 months ago

superwhd commented 10 months ago

Say that here's a WiFi network.

Question: Should the stub router learn the RA headers from the WiFi AP and set the 'M' flag to 1 in its own RA header? If so, are there any other header parameters that it should learn from the WiFi AP's RA?

I wonder if it will cause any problems if the stub router just send RAs with 'M' and 'O' flags set to 0. In RFC4861 it says:

        Note: If neither M nor O flags are set, this indicates that no
        information is available via DHCPv6.

This makes the RA (M=0, O=0) sent by the stub router contradicts with the RA (M=1,O=0) sent by WiFi AP.

In RFC4861 it talked about how a host should handle RAs from different sources.

   When multiple routers are present, the information advertised
   collectively by all routers may be a superset of the information
   contained in a single Router Advertisement.  Moreover, information
   may also be obtained through other dynamic means like DHCPv6.  Hosts
   accept the union of all received information; the receipt of a Router
   Advertisement MUST NOT invalidate all information received in a
   previous advertisement or from another source.  However, when
   received information for a specific parameter (e.g., Link MTU) or
   option (e.g., Lifetime on a specific Prefix) differs from information
   received earlier, and the parameter/option can only have one value,
   the most recently received information is considered authoritative.

However, it's not very clear to me how the host should handle the M flag from different sources:

  1. Use the union of the M flags. That probably means the host thinks there's a DHCPv6 server on the Wi-FI network. or
  2. Respect the M flag from the most recently received RA header.
superwhd commented 10 months ago

Closing this GitHub issue. The discussion will be in the WG mailing list.

EskoDijk commented 10 months ago

@superwhd You could reopen this issue; it's always good to keep an issue open for an ongoing discussion. We also do this for other (non-trivial) issues. It can be closed as soon as the discussion is done.

EskoDijk commented 5 months ago

Discussion was held at IETF 118; notes are under item 5. in the notes document here:

So the consensus is that the last advertised RA flags M/O are specified as the "valid" / "true" values that a host should use. Therefore these bit flags would need to be copied from the last RA seen that was sent by a non-stub-router.

For any other RA header parameters, the stub router should use a value of zero (0) meaning "unspecified by this router". That's also needed to resolve issue #36 .

Note that the "last seen" non-stub-router needs to be monitored as described in the SNAC-simple state machine section to verify that it is still reachable. If not reachable anymore, the copied M/O flags from this router also stop being used. In such case the stub router needs to revert back to the default M/O values 0/0 until (maybe later on) a new non-stub-router appears again.

EskoDijk commented 4 months ago

Making a PR for this issue: now self-assigned to @EskoDijk