ietf-wg-snac / draft-ietf-snac-simple

Automatically Connecting Stub Networks to Unmanaged Infrastructure
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Create "taxonomy" of network topologies where SNAC-stub-routers work and where they fail #52

Closed EskoDijk closed 1 month ago

EskoDijk commented 3 months ago

During email discussion in 2023, there were worries that placing a SNAC stub router in a network (with its default configurations) would disturb / harm the existing network / AIL. For example due to the advertising of extra prefixes, or advertising particular (deviating?) values of bits, routes or time-durations in the RA.

One proposed solution was to provide a taxonomy (e.g. an appendix) that explains which particular topologies/configurations a SNAC stub router can work, and in which ones it doesn't work, and in which ones it can cause malfunctions (if any).

Some examples:

Having a better overview of success/fail cases also helps reviewers of the document to judge the risk.

FYI here's a pointer to one of the messages in the thread of 2023 that summarizes some cases and how it could be documented:

darrendukes commented 1 month ago

PR #53 resolves this issue.