ietf-wg-snac / draft-ietf-snac-simple

Automatically Connecting Stub Networks to Unmanaged Infrastructure
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Add mandatory sections: IANA, Security. Close #50 #66

Closed EskoDijk closed 2 weeks ago

EskoDijk commented 1 month ago

In internet drafts, the IANA Considerations and Security Considerations sections are mandatory. Exact text for security can be adapted also later on if needed.

close #50

Abhayakara commented 1 month ago

It's not really true that stub routers create a security problem by sending RAs: rather, it's the case that this security problem potentially exists on networks where RA guard is present, but this issue is in no way our responsibility, and probably shouldn't be mentioned in security considerations.

EskoDijk commented 2 weeks ago

@Abhayakara I've removed the RA Guard text. It was there not because SNAC-routers introduce a security issue, but because we think that there's a group of people/network-administrators/IETFers/others who consider any device that can autostart acting as IPv6 router and can autostart sending ND message on a link as a "security hazard" even if it's not. Mentioning RA Guard there could be a proactive way to hopefully avoid too many discussions around this during future document reviews.