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Please consider non-wg mailing list: #86

Open toerless opened 2 weeks ago

toerless commented 2 weeks ago

It seems to me, as if discussions about the content of this wiki coiuld be helped by a mailing list that allows for p2p help.

JayDaley commented 2 weeks ago

what do you think about a single list to cover all of our website content and published material?

toerless commented 2 weeks ago

So.. maybe the justification in post #1 was not complete. I thought the functional goal would primarily be for p2p self-help between authors of drafts/RFCs about any non-subject-matter-specific authoring questions.

As part of that self-help one would hopefully be able to point to and if there is no good info for a problem raised, then this can trigger submitting a github update.

And of course the list could be called authors-discuss if that would be more to the point.

But really, let's have functional, not organizational mail lists. There are authors, there is a wiki for them, and there is a mailing list for them to get organized.

JayDaley commented 2 weeks ago

In response to the feedback in the community survey and others surveys we run, I've been pondering something similar - a list such as process-help@ where participants can get p2p support on the IETF process.