if-ai / ComfyUI-IF_AI_tools

ComfyUI-IF_AI_tools is a set of custom nodes for ComfyUI that allows you to generate prompts using a local Large Language Model (LLM) via Ollama. This tool enables you to enhance your image generation workflow by leveraging the power of language models.
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no llm models showing up in Prompt to Prompt Node #48

Closed CoUIfy closed 2 weeks ago

CoUIfy commented 2 weeks ago

Hello I have no model showing on my node, despite havign installed ollama and the prompt generator and if ai tools on node managers. And I installed Laava and nous hermes. Whats the problem , why would my node "if prompt to prompt" has no value in the parameter "base ip"?

if-ai commented 2 weeks ago

Right you need to set base_ip to the IP address of the computer you running ollama normally is And set port to 11434 I think then restart ComfyUI before restarting open the terminal or command prompt CMD and type ollama list this should show the models you have installed. Make sure you are not blocking on your firewall or VPN okay start ComfyUI

CoUIfy commented 2 weeks ago

It freaking worked! Before restarting after using those values you gave me I had to run it once otherwise the values will not be saved. So the second time I had to retape them, Run it and it just worked! :) Thank you!

CoUIfy commented 2 weeks ago

Since I have you here @if-ai , I saw that you recommanded other models (in the repo), can I install them the same way I do with the official supported models on ollama? Like "ollama run x"?

CoUIfy commented 2 weeks ago

I mean how to install Proteus-RunDiffusion? I did this: ollama run Proteus-RunDiffusion pulling manifest Error: pull model manifest: file does not exist

Sorry for the noob question

if-ai commented 2 weeks ago

Proteus is an Stable diffusion model that has better prompt adherence you can also use Cascade and pixart sigma models those are all Stable Diffusion there are a few models I recommend for text that are not available for ollama but I didn't mentioned them on the readme https://huggingface.co/dataautogpt3/ProteusV0.4