if-ai / ComfyUI-IF_AI_tools

ComfyUI-IF_AI_tools is a set of custom nodes for ComfyUI that allows you to generate prompts using a local Large Language Model (LLM) via Ollama. This tool enables you to enhance your image generation workflow by leveraging the power of language models.
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Models folder ? #58

Closed Crazy-Lion-QC closed 2 days ago

Crazy-Lion-QC commented 1 week ago

Hi, you suggest downloading additional models, but where is the models folder ? Seems like I can't find anything... Thank You.

gonzalu commented 3 days ago

For Ollama, you do that in Ollama itself.

example: ollama run llava:13b

that will download and run the model

if-ai commented 2 days ago

Yes like gonzalu said the models get automatically downloaded to an ollama folder on your computer the first time you run them if you want you can also use APIs which don't download a model and are more convenient for some people maybe you can try the groq api I have been using it for free for a long time