ifcquery / ifcplusplus

IfcPlusPlus is an open source C++ class model, as well as a reader and writer for IFC files in STEP format. Features: Easy and efficient memory management using smart pointers. Parallel reader for very fast parsing on multi-core CPU's. Additionally, there's a simple IFC viewer application, using Qt and OpenSceneGraph. It can be used as starting point for all kinds of applications around the open building model standard IFC.
MIT License
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IfcAdvancedBrep official examples #151

Open berndhahnebach opened 5 years ago

berndhahnebach commented 5 years ago

Hi Fabian,

Just tried to view these exapmles lastest viewer:


Both advanced brep ones are not displayed in latest IfcPlusPlus viewer. Is there no representation generated for them? AFAIKT the entity is read by IfcPlusPlus.


ifcquery commented 4 years ago

Hi Bernd, all entities from the STEP file are read and instantiated. But converting the "advanced brep" representations to Carve and then OSG, is not implemented yet. Contributions are welcome :)

berndhahnebach commented 4 years ago

It is what I expected. I don't think this will happen from my side soon. I do not know much about either Carve nor OSG.

BTW: If I would ever contribute more than a few fixes I would make a property widget for the viewer. For this I would have the knowledge but there is the second resource all opensource developer have to less ... time ...

cheer bernd