iffy-pi / apple-shortcuts

A repository for handling the updates and versioning of my apple shortcuts
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Nutrition Framework - Release of v4.24 #63

Open iffy-pi opened 3 months ago

iffy-pi commented 3 months ago

Associated Work Tickets

Official Release Notes

Taken from versioning/nutrition/prerelease.md at the time of the update


Release Checklist

Performing Beta Release

Run shortcut-update-tool (see its README) and proceed with the following instructions.

  1. Paste the path of updates.json into the relevant field.
  2. Click "Generate Test Updates"
  3. Open versioning/nutrition/prelease.md to see all the shortcuts that are being updated for this version. For each shortcut do the following steps:
    1. Click Add
    2. Select the shortcut from the dropdown beside Shortcut to Update
    3. Enter the new version number (this is usually specified in prelease.md but if not, it must always be higher than the current version)
    4. Open the actual shortcut, and edit the version comment at the top of the shortcut to match the new version
    5. Close the shortcut so the changes are saved, then get the iCloud link of the shortcut
    6. Past the link in the "New Link" field
  4. Click "Edit Shortcut PyFiles and Test Updates". This will:
    • Edit the version number comment in the Shorpy files (Shortcut Python Files) to match the new version
    • Modify nutrition/versioning/testupdates.json to hold the new version information and links for the shortcuts to be updated
  5. Commit the changes to the shorpy files to the update ticket
  6. Copy the generated JSON dictionary from the text box
  7. Open the actual Nutrition Installer shortcut:
    1. Find the matching text box in the shortcut and replace its contents with the new dictionary
    2. Update the version number in the shortcut to the new framework version
    3. Close the shortcut and then get the iCloud Link
  8. Click "I've updated the version dictionary and version number...".
  9. Enter the framework version number you chose in the "New Framework Version" field
  10. Paste the iCloud link of the installer in the installer link field
  11. Click "Update Installer PyFile and Test Updates". This will:
    • Update the installer shorpy file with the new dictionary, as well as its version number comment
  12. Commit the changes to the Installer shorpy file to the update ticket
  13. Copy the release notes in prerelease.md into the text box and press "Update Release Notes"
  14. Commit your changes nutrition/versioning/testupdates.json and push all commits
  15. Wait for all the changes to be published (i.e. the build to finish so a green tick appears beside the commit hash)

Testing Beta Release

  1. Download the Nutrition Installer from RoutineHub (https://routinehub.co/shortcut/5177/)
  2. Do NOT replace your current nutrition installer, instead select "Keep Both" and rename the downloaded one to "Nutrition Installer -d"
  3. Test the new version of the installer to make sure that it will be the most up to date:
    1. Run "Test Nutrition Installer Updates"
    2. Select "Prerelease"
    3. Select "Testing Pipeline"
    4. This will run "Nutrition Installer -d", which should not present any update dialog.
  4. Test the current released version of the installer to make sure that it does get the new update in the beta pipeline:
    1. Run "Test Nutrition Installer Updates"
    2. Select "Current Release"
    3. Select "Testing Pipeline"
    4. This will run "Nutrition Installer -d", which should present the update dialog to the new framework version you made.
    5. Check to make sure the release notes were formatted correctly, and that each shortcut link is appropriate in the update instructions

      Promoting Beta Release To Public Release

      With the still running shortcut-update-tool

  5. Paste the path of updates.json into the relevant field.
  6. Click "Promote Updates"
  7. Commit the changes to updates.json and history.json to the update ticket.

Testing Public Release

These are the same steps as testing the beta release, but choose "Public Pipeline" rather than "Testing Pipeline"

Update RoutineHub Shortcut

If all steps are passed, you can update RoutineHub with the new version

  1. Go to https://routinehub.co/shortcut/5177/ (logged in) and click "Create Version"
  2. For the version number, enter the value of version from versioning/nutrition/updates.json.
  3. For the link, enter the value of link from versioning/nutrition/updates.json.
  4. For the release notes, we do a different set of steps:
    1. Copy the release notes from versioning/nutrition/prelease.md
    2. Run the shortcut "Make RH Release Notes"
    3. Paste the copied release notes
    4. Copy the output of the shortcut
    5. Paste the output into the "Changes in this version" field