ifit / Enhancements

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/log#workout - Activity Type - add other category #5

Open joshwouden opened 9 years ago

joshwouden commented 9 years ago

From @joshwouden on May 28, 2014 16:28

Feature Details

Description: Currently users are able to log and create Running and Cycling based workouts. I, like many of us and our users, also do other fitness activities like crossfit, aerobics, weightlifting, and sports.

We even offer non-running/cycling workouts through iFit Daily. It would be AWESOME if a user watched an iFit Daily video through our site and it was automatically logged in their workout history! The iFit Daily videos should count on our user's fit score just like a run or bike workout.

The ability to log other types of workouts aligns with our goals of user-specific personalization and becoming an all-inclusive fitness tracking program.

Users continually request this feature: "I'm a little disappointed that you can only log workouts from your cardio machines. I did an iFit Beginner Strength Training video workout, and I would like to log it." --Bobbi Wiley

As a quick fix we could initially facilitate this within our current framework by simply adding an "Other" option to our Activity Type Selection. Initially, we could get a rough estimate of calories burned by pulling the value from what a light jog of the same duration would be.

We could also add a Comments or Description section (already present in /create) where the user could record additional details about the workout (like CrossFit splits, weight & reps for different exercises, etc). We could also add an option to allow the user to specify the cardio intensity level of the workout and use that to give a better estimate of calories burned.

Eventually (long-term), we could even add things like weightlifting as their own Activity Type. We could create fields where the user could specify the exercise, weight, reps, and sets (e.g. Bench Press: 210 lbs, 7 reps, 3 sets). We could then use these analytics to track and graphically display a user's progress over time in each specific exercise (like bench press). We could allow users to log this through the mobile app so they could do it on the fly while they are at the gym! This would be so awesome--a niche market pain point that is wide open. May help us attract customers interested in weight-lifting.

Benefit: It would be sooo cool to be able to manually track the progress of how much weight I bench, squat, etc, and also things like CrossFit workouts, basketball practice, swimming, triathlons, aerobics, iFit Daily, Sweatin' with the Oldies, etc..!

Design Images: image

Expected Interaction: User clicks the Activity Type selector on the Workout Log page and chooses between 3 options: Run, Cycle, Other. If the user selects Other, the "Would you like to draw your route" option disappears.

Copied from original issue: ifit/ifit#4291

joshwouden commented 9 years ago

Users continue to request this. We have workouts on our site that are not run/bike with no way to log them (e.g. Elliptical, iFit Daily, iFit HIIT). Here is a recent comment:

Is there a way to log non treadmill work outs? I have been doing the ifit HIIT videos and can't figure out how to log them. " Ron Garry 4 days ago 2 kudos

Kristal Blanshone Sadly, you can't log anything but running or cycling :(

Ron Garry You would think they would want to be a catch all. I lift weights 3 x week and try to get in some Yoga. Would be nice to track it all here.

We do want it to be a catch all (complete and personalized). As illustrated by this user, this seems especially important since we are promoting iFit Daily as a premium feature.

Additional customer comments: "Can we log our "iFit Daily" workouts?" "...any way to log workouts that aren't running/walking/elliptical or bike?" "Just wish you could enter the workout info into iFit." "Can someone tell me how to log something not cardio based? I am doing some of the daily workouts but not sure how to log on system. Can you log them?" "Seems to me logging a gym workout would be a good addition." "I would like the ability to log the video workouts such as cardio/core, weightlifting, etc. This way I can better keep track of my fitness" Maybe you could offer another option for this type of workout.