ifl0w / RandomWallpaperGnome3

Random Wallpapers for Gnome 3
MIT License
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An option for local files #161

Closed HipyCas closed 4 months ago

HipyCas commented 1 year ago

I wanted so much the option to serve from a local folder, as many others before me like in issues #160, #87, #68 or #30. As I wait for a official implementation, I created a small server application with Rust that can serve the local folder in a compatible manner with this extension. I have published it on Codeberg as well as on GitHub (as a kind of manual mirror) so everyone can used at least while the native option is not implemented.

I've seen that in the Wiki you have a couple [examples] on how to set up the Generic JSON option, so it would be nice if it could be put in there in some way :D. The configuration would depend on how the user installs it (maybe on a server, which port, etc.), but it is of this form:

The idea was to make the configuration the simplest possible. All the details about installation and configuration con be found in the repo README. And also thanks for this incredible extension :D.

ifl0w commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your contribution! This is a nifty workaround for the missing local folder support! | @Lucki has already started work on a local folder implementation. However, your implementation might be an interesting thing to look at.

ifl0w commented 4 months ago

Supported in v3.0.0.