ifl0w / RandomWallpaperGnome3

Random Wallpapers for Gnome 3
MIT License
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Source Config Modal #184

Closed ifl0w closed 5 months ago

Lucki commented 5 months ago

I don't know why but I don't have some those symbols:

I can't tell if that's an error on my side or these aren't standard symbols.

Hopefully working with the UI is now easier with Blueprint instead of XML directly as that was one of the previous issues :)

ifl0w commented 5 months ago

@Lucki Thanks for testing! Might be non-standard icons. Haven't checked that TBH. Do you know where the icons are installed to or have a list of valid icons to use?

Other than that, are you okay with the changes? :)

💯 TS and blueprints are massive improvements to the workflow! Definitely reducing friction for making any changes.

ifl0w commented 5 months ago

The icon also didn't show for me :o ... Somehow, I forgot to change it to some working icon :D So, thanks for reporting!

I now just used a plus sign that I found under /usr/share/icons/Adwaita/. I assume those are all available in the settings UI by default. At least they also work in the Ubuntu container.

Lucki commented 5 months ago

I don't know anymore where I looked for them, sry.

My UI draft was more cluttered, definitely an improvement with this. Only thing I see is that the type combo and name input has a strange height compared to everything else: image

And the search feature is actually pretty neat. Maybe it's possible to expand it to include items from the blocklist in a future enhancement.

ifl0w commented 5 months ago

Yeah, I am also not 100% happy with how the source type selection and name input looks. It was just what I could get working quickly. Probably should try to improve it a little. But I guess this is okay for now..

The search was just a feature I saw in the TS types. I didn't really look into if it can be customized easily.

ifl0w commented 5 months ago

Not sure if these options are any better :sweat_smile: ... but those are the low effort ones. The first uses only the adw elements the other two only gtk.

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Lucki commented 5 months ago

Yea, we should stick with the first try for now.