Closed ShettyHarapanahalli closed 3 years ago
Hi @ShettyHarapanahalli, I cannot reproduce your error. Can you tell me what is you setup? Are you running this code from a virtual environment? Are you getting an error? Is a window opening up or nothing at all?
Maybe the camera is configured to external trigger
I am using "ifm3d: version=0.20.0" on ubuntu 20.
I get the data 1st frame and after that, the image has frozen no update image.
"pip3 show o3d3xx" gives details correctly
I did factory reset the camera as well but nothing has changed.
Could you please provide the result of $ ifm3d dump
I have attached the same.
sandbox/ifm/o3d3xx-python/examples$ ifm3d dump
"ifm3d": {
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"Name": "o3d3xx-python example application",
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"TemplateInfo": "",
"TriggerMode": "1",
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"ArticleNumber": "O3D313",
"ArticleStatus": "AB",
"Description": "",
"DeviceType": "1:2",
"EIPConsumingSize": "8",
"EIPProducingSize": "450",
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"ExtrinsicCalibTransX": "0",
"ExtrinsicCalibTransY": "0",
"ExtrinsicCalibTransZ": "0",
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"IOExternApplicationSwitch": "0",
"IOLogicType": "1",
"IPAddressConfig": "0",
"ImageTimestampReference": "946684891",
"Name": "New sensor",
"OperatingMode": "0",
"PNIODeviceName": "",
"PasswordActivated": "false",
"PcicProtocolVersion": "3",
"PcicTcpPort": "50010",
"PcicTcpSchemaAutoUpdate": "false",
"SaveRestoreStatsOnApplSwitch": "true",
"ServiceReportFailedBuffer": "15",
"ServiceReportPassedBuffer": "15",
"SessionTimeout": "30",
"TemperatureFront1": "3276.7",
"TemperatureFront2": "3276.7",
"TemperatureIMX6": "14.7019996643066",
"TemperatureIllu": "21.4",
"UpTime": "0.0283333333333333"
"Net": {
"MACAddress": "00:02:01:40:2F:75",
"NetworkSpeed": "0",
"StaticIPv4Address": "",
"StaticIPv4Gateway": "",
"StaticIPv4SubNetMask": "",
"UseDHCP": "false"
"Time": {
"CurrentTime": "946684889",
"MaxNumberOfNTPServers": "5",
"NTPServers": "",
"StartingSynchronization": "false",
"Stats": "",
"SynchronizationActivated": "false",
"Syncing": "false",
"WaitSyncTries": "2"
"_": {
"Date": "Fri Feb 12 16:26:16 2021",
"HWInfo": {
"Connector": "#!02_A300_001_02105252_008001175",
"Diagnose": "#!02_D322_C30_02157009_008023093",
"Frontend": "#!02_F342_C32_16_00004_008022797",
"Illumination": "#!02_I300_001_02159299_008001175",
"MACAddress": "00:02:01:40:2F:75",
"Mainboard": "#!02_M381_003_02178445_008022954",
"MiraSerial": "1630-5392-0022-0134"
"SWVersion": {
"Algorithm_Version": "3.0.5",
"Calibration_Device": "00:02:01:40:2f:75",
"Calibration_Version": "0.9.0",
"Diagnostic_Controller": "O2I_1.20.7428-0-g91c60a74be",
"IFM_Recovery": "unversioned",
"IFM_Software": "1.71.7444",
"Linux": "Linux version 3.14.34-rt31-yocto-standard-00048-gc8112a91aeb2-d",
"Main_Application": "O2I_1.20.7428-0-g91c60a74be"
"ifm3d_version": 2000
Missed updating it, I tried on a different pc and this worked. So I uninstalled each package of IFM and reinstalled its working now.
Few observation -
Thanks for your feeback! Glad it works now.
I am using the below example to view the image in realtime, I see that the data is not updated and there are no errors in the same-
Can you please help me solve the same.