ifm / o3d3xx-python

A Python 2/3 library for ifm efector O3D3xx 3D cameras
MIT License
11 stars 12 forks source link

Data not updated #16

Closed ShettyHarapanahalli closed 3 years ago

ShettyHarapanahalli commented 3 years ago


I am using the below example to view the image in realtime, I see that the data is not updated and there are no errors in the same-

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals)
from builtins import *
import o3d3xx
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation

imageWidth = 176
imageHeight = 132

class GrabO3D300():
    def __init__(self,data): = data
        self.Amplitude = np.zeros((imageHeight,imageWidth))
        self.Distance = np.zeros((imageHeight,imageWidth))

    def readNextFrame(self):
        result =
        self.Amplitude = np.frombuffer(result['amplitude_image'],dtype='uint16')
        self.Amplitude = self.Amplitude.reshape(imageHeight,imageWidth)
        self.Distance = np.frombuffer(result['distance_image'],dtype='uint16')
        self.Distance = self.Distance.reshape(imageHeight,imageWidth)
        self.illuTemp = 20.0

def updatefig(*args):
    g = args[1]
    imAmp = args[2]
    amp_max = float(max(np.max(g.Amplitude),1));
    imAmp.set_array(g.Amplitude/ amp_max)
    axAmp = imAmp.axes #get_axes()
    axAmp.set_title('Amplitude (Illu temp: %0.2f)'%(g.illuTemp))

    imDist = args[3]
    dist_max = float(max(np.max(g.Distance),1));
    imDist.set_array(g.Distance/ dist_max)
    axDist = imDist.axes #get_axes()
    print(".",end=" ")
    return imAmp,imDist,

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        #print(f"Using the default address")

    camData = o3d3xx.FormatClient(address, 50010,
        o3d3xx.PCICFormat.blobs("amplitude_image", "distance_image"))

    fig = plt.figure()
    grabber = GrabO3D300(camData)
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2)
    imAmplitude = ax1.imshow(np.random.rand(imageHeight,imageWidth))
    imDistance = ax2.imshow(np.random.rand(imageHeight,imageWidth))
    #while True:

    ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, updatefig, interval=50, blit=True, fargs = [grabber,imAmplitude,imDistance])

if __name__ == '__main__':

Can you please help me solve the same.

lola-masson commented 3 years ago

Hi @ShettyHarapanahalli, I cannot reproduce your error. Can you tell me what is you setup? Are you running this code from a virtual environment? Are you getting an error? Is a window opening up or nothing at all?

graugans commented 3 years ago

Maybe the camera is configured to external trigger

ShettyHarapanahalli commented 3 years ago

I am using "ifm3d: version=0.20.0" on ubuntu 20. I get the data 1st frame and after that, the image has frozen no update image.
"pip3 show o3d3xx" gives details correctly I did factory reset the camera as well but nothing has changed.

lola-masson commented 3 years ago

Could you please provide the result of $ ifm3d dump?

ShettyHarapanahalli commented 3 years ago

I have attached the same.

sandbox/ifm/o3d3xx-python/examples$ ifm3d dump

  "ifm3d": {
    "Apps": [
        "Description": "",
        "Id": "1701072507",
        "Imager": {
          "AutoExposureMaxExposureTime": "10000",
          "AutoExposureReferencePointX": "88",
          "AutoExposureReferencePointY": "66",
          "AutoExposureReferenceROI": "{\"ROIs\":[{\"id\":0,\"group\":0,\"type\":\"Rect\",\"width\":130,\"height\":100,\"angle\":0,\"center_x\":88,\"center_y\":66}]}",
          "AutoExposureReferenceType": "0",
          "Channel": "0",
          "ClippingBottom": "131",
          "ClippingCuboid": "{\"XMin\": -3.402823e+38, \"XMax\": 3.402823e+38, \"YMin\": -3.402823e+38, \"YMax\": 3.402823e+38, \"ZMin\": -3.402823e+38, \"ZMax\": 3.402823e+38}",
          "ClippingLeft": "0",
          "ClippingRight": "175",
          "ClippingTop": "0",
          "ContinuousAutoExposure": "false",
          "ContinuousUserFrameCalibration": "false",
          "EnableAmplitudeCorrection": "true",
          "EnableFastFrequency": "false",
          "EnableFilterAmplitudeImage": "true",
          "EnableFilterDistanceImage": "true",
          "EnableRectificationAmplitudeImage": "false",
          "EnableRectificationDistanceImage": "false",
          "ExposureTime": "5000",
          "ExposureTimeList": "125;5000",
          "ExposureTimeRatio": "40",
          "FlyingPixelEraser": "0",
          "FrameRate": "5",
          "MaxAllowedLEDFrameRate": "23.2",
          "MinimumAmplitude": "42",
          "Resolution": "0",
          "SpatialFilter": {},
          "SpatialFilterType": "0",
          "SymmetryThreshold": "0.4",
          "TemporalFilter": {},
          "TemporalFilterType": "0",
          "ThreeFreqMax2FLineDistPercentage": "80",
          "ThreeFreqMax3FLineDistPercentage": "80",
          "TwoFreqMaxLineDistPercentage": "80",
          "Type": "under5m_moderate",
          "UseSimpleBinning": "false"
        "Index": "1",
        "LogicGraph": "{\"IOMap\": {\"OUT1\": \"RFT\",\"OUT2\": \"AQUFIN\"},\"blocks\": {\"B00001\": {\"pos\": {\"x\": 200,\"y\": 200},\"properties\": {},\"type\": \"PIN_EVENT_IMAGE_ACQUISITION_FINISHED\"},\"B00002\": {\"pos\": {\"x\": 200,\"y\": 75},\"properties\": {},\"type\": \"PIN_EVENT_READY_FOR_TRIGGER\"},\"B00003\": {\"pos\": {\"x\": 600,\"y\": 75},\"properties\": {\"pulse_duration\": 0},\"type\": \"DIGITAL_OUT1\"},\"B00005\": {\"pos\": {\"x\": 600,\"y\": 200},\"properties\": {\"pulse_duration\": 0},\"type\": \"DIGITAL_OUT2\"}},\"connectors\": {\"C00000\": {\"dst\": \"B00003\",\"dstEP\": 0,\"src\": \"B00002\",\"srcEP\": 0},\"C00001\": {\"dst\": \"B00005\",\"dstEP\": 0,\"src\": \"B00001\",\"srcEP\": 0}}}",
        "Name": "Sample Application",
        "PcicEipResultSchema": "{ \"layouter\": \"flexible\", \"format\": { \"dataencoding\": \"binary\", \"order\": \"big\" }, \"elements\" : [ { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"star\", \"id\": \"start_string\" }, { \"type\": \"records\", \"id\": \"models\", \"elements\": [ { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"boxFound\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"width\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"height\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"length\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"xMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"yMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"zMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"yawAngle\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityLength\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityWidth\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityHeight\" } ] }, { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"stop\", \"id\": \"end_string\" } ] }",
        "PcicPnioResultSchema": "{\"layouter\" : \"flexible\", \"format\": { \"dataencoding\": \"binary\", \"order\": \"big\" }, \"elements\" : [ { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"star\", \"id\": \"start_string\" }, { \"type\": \"records\", \"id\": \"models\", \"elements\": [ { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"boxFound\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"width\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"height\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"length\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"xMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"yMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"zMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"yawAngle\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityLength\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityWidth\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityHeight\" } ] }, { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"stop\", \"id\": \"end_string\" } ] }",
        "PcicTcpResultSchema": "{ \"layouter\": \"flexible\", \"format\": { \"dataencoding\": \"ascii\" }, \"elements\": [ { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"star\", \"id\": \"start_string\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"normalized_amplitude_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"distance_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"x_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"y_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"z_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"confidence_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"diagnostic_data\" }, { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"stop\", \"id\": \"end_string\" } ] }",
        "RtspOverlayStyle": "{\"ROI\": {\"default\": {\"visible\": true, \"filled\": false, \"use_symbol\": false, \"label_alignment\": \"top\", \"label_content\": \"\", \"label_background\": \"black\", \"label_fontsize\": 8, \"label_failonly\": false}, \"model_defaults\": {}, \"specific\": {} } }",
        "TemplateInfo": "",
        "TriggerMode": "1",
        "Type": "Camera"
        "Description": "",
        "Id": "1182112391",
        "Imager": {
          "AutoExposureMaxExposureTime": "10000",
          "AutoExposureReferencePointX": "88",
          "AutoExposureReferencePointY": "66",
          "AutoExposureReferenceROI": "{\"ROIs\":[{\"id\":0,\"group\":0,\"type\":\"Rect\",\"width\":130,\"height\":100,\"angle\":0,\"center_x\":88,\"center_y\":66}]}",
          "AutoExposureReferenceType": "0",
          "Channel": "0",
          "ClippingBottom": "131",
          "ClippingCuboid": "{\"XMin\": -3.402823e+38, \"XMax\": 3.402823e+38, \"YMin\": -3.402823e+38, \"YMax\": 3.402823e+38, \"ZMin\": -3.402823e+38, \"ZMax\": 3.402823e+38}",
          "ClippingLeft": "0",
          "ClippingRight": "175",
          "ClippingTop": "0",
          "ContinuousAutoExposure": "false",
          "ContinuousUserFrameCalibration": "false",
          "EnableAmplitudeCorrection": "true",
          "EnableFastFrequency": "false",
          "EnableFilterAmplitudeImage": "true",
          "EnableFilterDistanceImage": "true",
          "EnableRectificationAmplitudeImage": "false",
          "EnableRectificationDistanceImage": "false",
          "ExposureTime": "2600",
          "ExposureTimeList": "1300;2600",
          "ExposureTimeRatio": "2",
          "FlyingPixelEraser": "0",
          "FrameRate": "10",
          "MaxAllowedLEDFrameRate": "30.1",
          "MinimumAmplitude": "42",
          "Resolution": "0",
          "SpatialFilter": {},
          "SpatialFilterType": "0",
          "SymmetryThreshold": "0.4",
          "TemporalFilter": {},
          "TemporalFilterType": "0",
          "ThreeFreqMax2FLineDistPercentage": "80",
          "ThreeFreqMax3FLineDistPercentage": "80",
          "TwoFreqMaxLineDistPercentage": "80",
          "Type": "under5m_moderate",
          "UseSimpleBinning": "false"
        "Index": "2",
        "LogicGraph": "{\"IOMap\": {\"OUT1\": \"RFT\",\"OUT2\": \"AQUFIN\"},\"blocks\": {\"B00001\": {\"pos\": {\"x\": 200,\"y\": 200},\"properties\": {},\"type\": \"PIN_EVENT_IMAGE_ACQUISITION_FINISHED\"},\"B00002\": {\"pos\": {\"x\": 200,\"y\": 75},\"properties\": {},\"type\": \"PIN_EVENT_READY_FOR_TRIGGER\"},\"B00003\": {\"pos\": {\"x\": 600,\"y\": 75},\"properties\": {\"pulse_duration\": 0},\"type\": \"DIGITAL_OUT1\"},\"B00005\": {\"pos\": {\"x\": 600,\"y\": 200},\"properties\": {\"pulse_duration\": 0},\"type\": \"DIGITAL_OUT2\"}},\"connectors\": {\"C00000\": {\"dst\": \"B00003\",\"dstEP\": 0,\"src\": \"B00002\",\"srcEP\": 0},\"C00001\": {\"dst\": \"B00005\",\"dstEP\": 0,\"src\": \"B00001\",\"srcEP\": 0}}}",
        "Name": "o3d3xx-python example application",
        "PcicEipResultSchema": "{\"layouter\" : \"flexible\", \"format\": { \"dataencoding\": \"binary\", \"order\": \"big\" }, \"elements\" : [ { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"star\", \"id\": \"start_string\" }, { \"type\": \"records\", \"id\": \"models\", \"elements\": [ { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"boxFound\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"width\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"height\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"length\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"xMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"yMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"zMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"yawAngle\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityLength\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityWidth\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityHeight\" } ] }, { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"stop\", \"id\": \"end_string\" } ] }",
        "PcicPnioResultSchema": "{\"layouter\" : \"flexible\", \"format\": { \"dataencoding\": \"binary\", \"order\": \"big\" }, \"elements\" : [ { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"star\", \"id\": \"start_string\" }, { \"type\": \"records\", \"id\": \"models\", \"elements\": [ { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"boxFound\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"width\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"height\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"length\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"xMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"yMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"zMidTop\", \"format\": { \"scale\": 1000 } }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"yawAngle\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityLength\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityWidth\" }, { \"type\": \"int16\", \"id\": \"qualityHeight\" } ] }, { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"stop\", \"id\": \"end_string\" } ] }",
        "PcicTcpResultSchema": "{ \"layouter\": \"flexible\", \"format\": { \"dataencoding\": \"ascii\" }, \"elements\": [ { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"star\", \"id\": \"start_string\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"normalized_amplitude_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"distance_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"x_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"y_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"z_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"confidence_image\" }, { \"type\": \"blob\", \"id\": \"diagnostic_data\" }, { \"type\": \"string\", \"value\": \"stop\", \"id\": \"end_string\" } ] }",
        "RtspOverlayStyle": "{\"ROI\": {\"default\": {\"visible\": true, \"filled\": false, \"use_symbol\": false, \"label_alignment\": \"top\", \"label_content\": \"\", \"label_background\": \"black\", \"label_fontsize\": 8, \"label_failonly\": false}, \"model_defaults\": {}, \"specific\": {} } }",
        "TemplateInfo": "",
        "TriggerMode": "1",
        "Type": "Camera"
    "Device": {
      "ActiveApplication": "2",
      "ArticleNumber": "O3D313",
      "ArticleStatus": "AB",
      "Description": "",
      "DeviceType": "1:2",
      "EIPConsumingSize": "8",
      "EIPProducingSize": "450",
      "EnableAcquisitionFinishedPCIC": "false",
      "EthernetFieldBus": "0",
      "EthernetFieldBusEndianness": "0",
      "EvaluationFinishedMinHoldTime": "10",
      "ExtrinsicCalibRotX": "0",
      "ExtrinsicCalibRotY": "0",
      "ExtrinsicCalibRotZ": "0",
      "ExtrinsicCalibTransX": "0",
      "ExtrinsicCalibTransY": "0",
      "ExtrinsicCalibTransZ": "0",
      "IODebouncing": "true",
      "IOExternApplicationSwitch": "0",
      "IOLogicType": "1",
      "IPAddressConfig": "0",
      "ImageTimestampReference": "946684891",
      "Name": "New sensor",
      "OperatingMode": "0",
      "PNIODeviceName": "",
      "PasswordActivated": "false",
      "PcicProtocolVersion": "3",
      "PcicTcpPort": "50010",
      "PcicTcpSchemaAutoUpdate": "false",
      "SaveRestoreStatsOnApplSwitch": "true",
      "ServiceReportFailedBuffer": "15",
      "ServiceReportPassedBuffer": "15",
      "SessionTimeout": "30",
      "TemperatureFront1": "3276.7",
      "TemperatureFront2": "3276.7",
      "TemperatureIMX6": "14.7019996643066",
      "TemperatureIllu": "21.4",
      "UpTime": "0.0283333333333333"
    "Net": {
      "MACAddress": "00:02:01:40:2F:75",
      "NetworkSpeed": "0",
      "StaticIPv4Address": "",
      "StaticIPv4Gateway": "",
      "StaticIPv4SubNetMask": "",
      "UseDHCP": "false"
    "Time": {
      "CurrentTime": "946684889",
      "MaxNumberOfNTPServers": "5",
      "NTPServers": "",
      "StartingSynchronization": "false",
      "Stats": "",
      "SynchronizationActivated": "false",
      "Syncing": "false",
      "WaitSyncTries": "2"
    "_": {
      "Date": "Fri Feb 12 16:26:16 2021",
      "HWInfo": {
        "Connector": "#!02_A300_001_02105252_008001175",
        "Diagnose": "#!02_D322_C30_02157009_008023093",
        "Frontend": "#!02_F342_C32_16_00004_008022797",
        "Illumination": "#!02_I300_001_02159299_008001175",
        "MACAddress": "00:02:01:40:2F:75",
        "Mainboard": "#!02_M381_003_02178445_008022954",
        "MiraSerial": "1630-5392-0022-0134"
      "SWVersion": {
        "Algorithm_Version": "3.0.5",
        "Calibration_Device": "00:02:01:40:2f:75",
        "Calibration_Version": "0.9.0",
        "Diagnostic_Controller": "O2I_1.20.7428-0-g91c60a74be",
        "IFM_Recovery": "unversioned",
        "IFM_Software": "1.71.7444",
        "Linux": "Linux version 3.14.34-rt31-yocto-standard-00048-gc8112a91aeb2-d",
        "Main_Application": "O2I_1.20.7428-0-g91c60a74be"
      "ifm3d_version": 2000
ShettyHarapanahalli commented 3 years ago

Missed updating it, I tried on a different pc and this worked. So I uninstalled each package of IFM and reinstalled its working now.

Few observation -

  1. Was not able to uninstall the build version with the command "sudo make uninstall" support of this will be helpful.
  2. Conflit or multiple installations from the ubuntu store and from cmake was present, might be good if a warning or handled better.
  3. "python uninstall " support shall be helpfull for developers.
lola-masson commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your feeback! Glad it works now.